Aimpoint PRO (Patrol Rifle Optic)

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

The Aimpoint PRO (Patrol Rifle Optic) debuted at SHOT last week. The scope has been put together with law enforcement officers in mind. The basic optic is comparable to the Aimpoint CompM2 but with the more popular 2 MOA dot (emitter) rather than the larger 4 MOA dot. It features a QPR2 quick release mount which is also found on the military Aimpoint CompM4. With its 30,000 hour (3 – 4 year) battery life Aimpoint recommends turning it on and leaving it on. The MSRP is $440.

Video by SWAT Magazine

[Hat Tip: SWAT Magazine for the video and info. ]

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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  • LRCHOPS LRCHOPS on Feb 26, 2011

    Anyone with the M4 use the spacer? I found that I could not properly co-witness the iron sights with the spacer so i took it out. Im getting the PRO for my secondary M4 rifle. What a great deal!

  • Rae Rae on Apr 06, 2011

    There own Rep is marketing it wrong, is almost exactly Like the Comp M3 not a Comp 2. Difference with a comp ML3 is this is night vision compatable. Only difference I see in this with a Comp m3 is the difference that the housing is forged. Pro is High strength aluminum and the ML3 is Extruded high strength aluminum which means it was aluminum pressed out, kind of similar to one of those playdough presses, make sense?
