Nobilta-TWM's 10mm Auto Nobile Pistol

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

German firm Nobilta-TWM is making an interesting 10mm Auto chambered pistol. The pistol looks like it has been inspired both the Auto Mag and the Desert Eagle. It appears to be gas operated, although one of our German speaking readers will have to confirm this (the Google translation does not make much sense).

AR-15 style rotating bolt

The company’s website says that other calibers are available on request.

[ Many thanks to Mehul for emailing me the link. ]

UPDATE: Jas emailed me a translation …

about the operation of the gun:

Starr verriegelter, halbautomatischer Rückstoßlader, Schlagbolzenschloss mit direkt auf Fangrast wirkender Sicherheit

Which means as much as

Solidly locked, semiautomatic recoil operated, striker fired with safety that works directly on the sear.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 33 comments
  • Edgar Edgar on Oct 22, 2010

    Try and stop a 120 Kilos Body-Building Prison Wonder with the wimpy 6.36 mm Pistols the All-Mighty Zeropean States SOMETIMES, as in, only for the Rich, allow their "citizens" to carry, THEN, talk to me about wieners.

    The Heckler und Koch G3 is also technically a masterpiece, as are most German products, but the G3 or even it's Civilian Hunting Rifle version, do not try and "impersonate" a Musket.
    You would think the Manufacturers of the Country that begot Bauhaus would refrain from Rich-Kitsch!
    Appearance over Function calamities such as this overpriced Dueling Pistol wannabe, are a joke. Anywhere.

  • Mehul Kamdar Mehul Kamdar on Oct 22, 2010


    My pleasure! As I said, I didn't know anything about this gunmaker and their products other than what is on their website. I suspect, from the color of the pistol, that it is probably made of Titanium alloys, especially the yellow bits. That would possibly also explain the very high price that David talks about. Do wish there were some way of finding out more . . .
