UC foldable Submachine Gun

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Snowflakes in Hell alerted me to the fact that FullAutoClassics.com are selling newly manufactured UC foldable machine guns build on pre-1986 receivers, making them fully transferable class III machine guns. The are chambered in 9mm and use UZI magazines. The gun was featured in the movie Robocop II.

Before and after deployment.

There have been quite a few of these foldable submachine guns, most recently the prototype Magpul FMG-9.What confuses me is that the UC, which was originally known as the UC-M21, is generally credited to a guy named Dave Boatman. FullAutoClassics attributes it to Utah Connor:

The UC was designed by Utah Connor in the 1980’s intentionally to be self concealing. An early prototype was featured in the movie Robocop II, disguised as a boom box type radio.

hmmmm … I wonder who really designed it.

The UC with carrying handle in Robocop II. Photo from gun-world.net

A promotional video for the gun:

The price: $12,500!

More info at FullAutoClassics.com.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 17 comments
  • William William on Oct 01, 2009


  • RAD RAD on Oct 06, 2009

    I first saw the gun in person in 1992, in Utah's workshop a American Laser Games. At that time it was the only one he had built (although he had numerous receivers registered for transfer). Utah had used that gun to compete in the Picacho Gun Club's annual machine gun matches in the early 90's. When I left Albuquerque in 1996, Utah was working on a full-auto cane in .22LR. His prototye held 100 rounds of .22LR in a helical magazine around the barrel and used a Remington receiver(registered pre-May'86). I would am curious if any others were completed, I believe that Utah was planning to reduce the gun to only 50 rounds to cut back on weight.
