Magpul Awarded $12 Million DOD Contract, Possibly PMAGs for every Marine
In what is certainly one of Magpul Industries largest contracts yet, Defense Logistics Agency has awarded the company a $12,792,000 definite quantity for GEN M3 PMAG magazines (mislabeled as magazine cartridges in the announcement wording). The contract specifically states that the order is for the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. However, upon TFB reaching out to Magpul Industries, we have found out there is a very high possibility that this contract is going to be used to outfit every Marine and Sailor in the Fleet and Reserves with PMAGs. If this is the case, then we are talking about almost a million magazines if this were to push out enough PMAGs to every armory in the Marine Corps for a 6 plus 1 combat load. Performance completion for this contract is September 2018, so theoretically every active duty and reserve Marine armory could be receiving GEN M3 PMAGs by the end of next year.
Sneak Peek: Strike Industries AR-15 Magazine and a New Muzzle Device
Strike Industries has shown on their Facebook page first pictures of a couple of new products. One is a new AR-15 magazine and the second one is a muzzle device called “Oppressor”. There is very little information available on both products. Here is what I could find:
PMags Come to the AUG: Magpul Releases PMAG30 AUS
While the primary consumer of PMAGs continues to be the general American shooting public, various companies and countries have paid close attention to the success of the polymer magazine “PMag” offered by MagPul. The magazine’s success has not been by accident. Its durability, reliability, and performance have become the metric by which other STANAG magazines are measured.