POTD: North American Arms Mini Revolvers

Today’s Photo Of The Day is a picture shared by North American Arms (NAA) on their social media pages. It depicts the following models of the company’s rimfire mini revolvers (top to bottom):  The HoglegThe SheriffSidewinder and  22 Long Rifle. The chambering of the latter is of course .22LR and the rest of these wheelguns are chambered in .22 Magnum. All four revolvers have five-round cylinders. The barrel lengths are 6″, 2.5″, 1.5″ and 1.13″.

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[SHOT 2020] New .22 Magnum Mini-Revolvers North American Arms, Inc.

North American Arms Inc is a producer of concealable mini-revolvers that are both extremely light and convenient to conceal. The guns they produce are designed to be small, light and concealable enough to be carried in almost any situation where printing would normally be an issue especially a mini-revolver over a traditionally sized small frame.

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