How Suppressors Work (The Best GIF I Have Ever Seen)

    Sometimes, I am just in awe of what a good creative person backed by a solid concept can create. SilencerCo has created the most impressive GIF image I have ever seen. By animating the shot, the explanation is incredibly more effective than a simple static graphic could hope to explain.

    Outside of my lauding, the graphic itself is a solid fact-sheet advocating for suppressor ownership. It is amazing to see the growth within the Class III community.

    Click on the picture to be taken to the original animated GIF.


    Nathan S

    One of TFB’s resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR’s, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.

    The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.
