BREAKING: Russian Ammunition Being Held Up In Port (Update)

    UPDATED at 9:25 PM eastern time.This is a fluid ongoing situation. This is what we have been told so far …

    Phil White is in Florida attending the Big3 industry shoot. Wolf is one of the main sponsors and the provider of all ammunition used at the event.

    Yesterday Phil spoke to a ammunition representatives. They told us that the Ukrainian situation would probably not affect ammunition supply.

    The situation suddenly changed this morning. An industry spokesman informed Big3 organizers that shipments of ammunition from Russia are on hold.

    Ships carrying ammunition from a Russian port (we don’t know which port, but I assume it is Novorossiysk) should have arrived in a Crimean port to pick up additional ammunition from Ukraine before sailing West. These ships have not arrived in the Crimea or the United States. It is not known why they have not arrived (or if they have arrived, why they are not reporting in). The lines of normal communication with the shipping companies have either chosen not to cooperate or provide information as to the status of the shipments.

    According to spokesperson from the ammunition industry, Putin may be responding to threats of sanctions from the European Union and the Obama Administration by holding ammunition shipments. Russia considers their need for ammunition to be greater than Russian ammunition makers need to earn export dollars. This may be an accurate assessment, or it may be incorrect. Right now nobody knows for sure what is going on.

    We have also been told by industry insiders that Ukraine factories are not shipping ammunition either. Likely because the Ukrainian Military is also stockpiling in advance of a potential conflict.

    A few days ago a TFB representative spoke to Tula (one of Wolf’s Russian competitors). They told us supply would not be a problem even without Ukrainian factories, but the political situation was what they feared most. I was planning on reporting this on TFB today. Turns out their fears may have been justified.

    We will endeavor to keep you up to date as the situation continues to develop. I want to stress that this is a very fluid situation. It may change at any moment.Only time will eventually answer our questions.

    Steve Johnson

    I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
