Wheelgun Wednesday: Pietta Deluxe Engraved Snubnose Model 1860/1862

Welcome back to Wheelgun Wednesday, our weekly article series where we cover everything related to revolvers. Today’s topic is a rather unconventional Deluxe Engraved 1860 Army Model by Pietta, a cowboy firearm replica that may not score high in practicality in the modern world, but surely does in the looks department.

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Davidson’s Exclusive Pietta King Trio: Versatile Revolver Option

Are you worried about running out of ammunition for your handgun? These days, it’s not an unreasonable thing to anticipate. Davidson’s has your back, though, with their new King Trio revolver. This comes with not one but two spare cylinders, so you can shoot whatever loose shells you find kicking around in the drawers of your local gun store. Well, not quite, but you do have your choice of four different rounds to shoot.

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