Glock Barrels, .308 Rifles, Side Chargers, and Possibly a Handgun: Battle Arms Development Interview Part Two
In Part One of this series George Huang discussed the initial founding of the company and why the Battle Arms Development team excels at problem-solving. In this section, he talks to TFB about why the company wears lab coats at SHOT Show, duel meanings behind the company crest, and the latest products and developments.
Las Vegas Antique Gun Show: A Hidden and Accessible Gem
Often completely overshadowed by the larger SHOT Show, the Antique Gun Show is strategically held during the weekend after SHOT Show (although this year it was held the weekend before). Although possibly not the best antique show in the United States, it certainly ranks highly up there with the quality of firearms brought into it. The majority of everything sold within this show is from the 1800s and early 1900s, with even a few older firearms as well. And unlike SHOT Show which is strictly regulated to media and industry folks, the Antique Arms Show is open to the general public for a small admission fee at the door. Apparently, for the first time since attending SHOT, TFB was able to pay a visit and bring to light a number of the more interesting pieces on display. Although not comprehensive of everything that was on display, this post will highlight some of the odder and more fascinating tables and vendors.
[SHOT 2018] What do YOU want to see from SHOT 2018?
The 2018 Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoors Show is upon us! Over the next week, the TFB Team consisting of over 16 writers, and 4 videographers will be working our hardest (and fastest) to try and bring to you, our readership, some of the broadest coverage of SHOT Show 2018 that we hope we can provide the internet. We’ll be shooting new firearms at lanes on Media Day at the Range, climbing all over booths on the show floor, and quizzing sales representatives left and right about the latest and greatest for 2018. Days will be long, shoes will get worn through, gratuitous amounts of photos and videos will be taken.
TFB Experiences Battlefield Vegas
After the Wednesday round of the 2016 SHOT Show, I sat down for an evening of quiet work, to finish up a few articles I had from the day’s show-trekking. Less than an hour later, I was standing in a crowd at Battlefield Vegas, watching a Chieftain tank crush a sedan.
Review: Full Auto With Shoot Las Vegas
On the last day of SHOT Show, my friends from Malaysia invited me to go shoot with them. They hired a local outfit called Shoot Las Vegas. We were picked up in an H2 Hummer from the Venetian lobby/pick up area.
AR endurance findings, at a rental range
Forget about any military endurance testing of the AR/M16 platform, a rental range in Las Vegas has some extremely interesting findings when it comes to large round counts, sometimes in excess of 200,000 rounds through commercially available and full auto ARs. Granted, none of the grueling testing procedures in place from a military standpoint are there, but for sheer round count alone, it really tells a lot about what some companies can take and what others can’t when it comes to their rifles and products in general. This all stems from a forum thread on AR15.com that was started in June. His screen name is HendersonDefense, and there is a small arms company in Henderson, NV called Henderson Defense, but the range operations he is talking about are occurring at Battlefield Las Vegas, a big time rental range in Vegas. His name is Ron, and he’s been featured here at TFB before in the form of a post about the rental AKs at his range earlier this year.