Anime Meets Guns with "Mag Pants"

Comically named “Hardcore Tactics” is not looking for a way to get into your pants, but for a way for you to get into theirs. Their new product, dubbed “Mag Pants” (no doubt short for “Magazine Pants”) are a funny and quintessentially Japanese rip-off of the beloved original MagPul.. For those not familiar, the MagPul gave a very popular company its namesake.

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Anime Meets Life: The Guns Of Ghost In The Shell

Anime fans have been nervously awaiting the March 2017 release of the live-action remake of the anime cult classic Ghost In The Shell from DreamWorks SKG. For those that take anime very seriously, the adaptation walks along a knife’s edge of a tribute to the original or a potential devastating insult. Criticisms of Scarlet Johansson playing ‘Major’, the Japanese cyborg and leading role, seems to be mostly overblown. However, we still have a few months before making a final judgement on the movie in its entirety.

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Japanese Akira Kaneda Bike Themed P90

For those who know about Japanese Animation, Akira is a classic and the motorcycle in the movie is iconic.

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