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Arsenal .22LR Ballistic Knife Video
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: April 23rd, 2015
Here is a video showing some of the workings of the .22LR revolver knife imported by Arsenal Inc. I could not find this knife on their website so perhaps they are no longer importing them.
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In this video, this guy shoots one of these knives. As you can see in the video, it has a loop to make it a bayonet.
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Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published April 23rd, 2015 1:01 PM
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This is clearly a modified m9 bayonet. The m9 has a bad rap (deserved or undeserved) for being too weak for bayonet use and this mod seems to weaken it significantly. Knife guns are still cool to me but I don't understand the bayonet aspect. Maybe it was just easier to modify due to the Lego like construction of the m9.
Still neat. I had thought about having an naa mini converted into something cool like this. It's good to have friends that are mfgs. Haha.
so silly, so guaranteed to outrage those who need their world examined. Makes me want one just for epic trollness.