Smith & Wesson M&P15T, now available with Crimson Trace(R) LiNQ(TM) System

Due to Smith & Wesson’s recent  acquisition of Crimson Trace it didn’t take a crystal ball to predict that we’d be seeing more Crimson Trace accessories bundled with Smith & Wesson products, and this example falls into that category.

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Frame Integrated and Wirelessly Rechargeable Handgun Light and Laser Concept

A Swiss startup company called Swiss Tactical Technologies is designing handgun lights and lasers which have a couple of unique features. First, they are integrated with the frame. As you can see in the computer mockup image, the dust cover portion of what looks to be a 1911 frame is enlarged to house the light and laser. The second feature is that it will be possible to wirelessly charge the batteries using charging mats/pads.

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NEW: Crimson Trace Linq Wireless Light/Laser

Like most modern shooters, my tech side is in an eternal battle with the analog part of my life. On the one hand, third generation night vision is something I can see researching to death. On the other hand, a simple lever action rifle with well-finished wood is pure heaven.  Anyway, the Crimson Trace Linq wireless light/laser combo definitely strokes my techie side. But is it suitable for practical defensive use?

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