Public Service Announcement: Unexpected Fire – Keep A Look Out
Recently Daniel Y. wrote an article reminding us to be safe and responsible shooters with regards to not starting wildfires. Well, I can speak from experience that even when you think you are taking the right precautions, a fire can still happen. But more importantly, freak accidents can happen when the conditions are right. My friends and I witnessed an unexpected fire in the most unlikely location and scenario. Look at the photo above and try to figure out how a fire could have started without the usual components for starting a fire.
Public Service Announcement: Don't Start A Wildfire
Wildfires have long been a feature of life in the western states. Unfortunately, target shooting starts some of those fires. The good news is that target shooting fires are preventable, so let’s discuss how we can keep them from happening. Public lands make for some of the best shooting spots, but they are at risk of closure every time a negligent shooter starts a wildfire.