H&K Unveils Mid-Life Upgrades for MP5 SMG At AUSA
H&K has unveiled a new upgrade package for the MP5 to modernize and improve the weapon, and was showing it off at the Association of the United States Army’s 2015 annual meeting. SoldierSystems.net reports:
Russian Army Orders AK-74 Upgrade Kits From Kalashnikov Concern
During the Army 2015 International Military-Technical Forum in June of this year, Kalashnikov showed off their products, including the AK-12, AK-15, and the new PL-14 pistol. Also present was the new upgrade kit for the AK-74 rifle, but what was missed by almost all Western outlets at the time was that, according to PredatorBDU.com, the Russian Army had already accepted orders of the kits for their rifle fleet:
Finland Gives Up New Rifle Program, Will Modernize Rk. 62 to Serve Until 2035
The Finnish Commander of the Army has announced that the Nordic country will not be purchasing 5.56mm replacements for their existing 7.62x39mm caliber Rk. 62 rifles, but instead will seek to upgrade the venerable Kalashnikov-based Valmet. Altair.com reports (machine translation below):
Beretta M9A3, Down But Not Out
After the U.S. Army’s rejection of the initial M9A3 proposal, Beretta is trying again with a new Engineering Change Proposal. American Rifleman’s Mark O’Keefe reports: