Underground Arms Watch - July 2021
Underground Arms Watch returns with another look at recently seized oddball weapons. Featured as the title picture is an improvised .22 firearm seized by police in Brazil from someone who “reported that he was shooting to scare off robbers who wanted to rob his residence.” It appears to be assembled from a number of items including a cut down barrel taken from an air rifle, part of a table leg or crutch and a piece of a bicycle perhaps. I’m not sure how the designer intended it to be held.
Underground Arms Watch - June 2021
Welcome back to the Underground Arms Watch. The first week of June saw a number of seizures of the FGC-9, the widely reported on 3D printable 9mm carbine released by Deterrence Dispensed last year. The example below was one of two seized from a ‘factory’ operating in Tampere, Finland which was uncovered during raids on addresses connected to criminal groups making use of the compromised encrypted chat network known as AN0M.
Underground Arms Watch - May
Continuing the Underground Arms Watch series, here are a number of black market made and modified firearms which have recently surfaced. First up, here are three corpses of what were once guns which were seized in Zimbabwe earlier in the month.
Underground Arms Watch – April
Welcome to another installment of Underground Arms Watch series where we take a look at criminally made and modified firearms seized throughout the world.