Truth To Power – TTAG Facebook Page Unpublished
On Monday, January 11, the social media giant Facebook unpublished the page owned by The Truth About Guns. As a media platform, TTAG is known for news, reviews, editorials and political discussions surrounding the ownership of firearms in the United States. At the moment, it is unclear why the TTAG Facebook page was removed or if it will be allowed to return in the future.
TTAG YouTube Channel Receives Unexplained "Community Strike"
For those of you who aren’t up to speed on the present state of YouTube: Subsequent to the Las Vegas shooting in October 2017, YouTube began semi-arbitrarily enforcing certain unwritten content guidelines relative to bumpstocks and other gun-related content that YouTube deemed to be “offensive”. I expressly use the term “offensive” because, at the time, there were no specific, firearm-related community/content guidelines in place at YouTube. Instead, content was policed under a general, nonspecific “offensive content” guideline, so there was very little in the way of actual guidance for gun channels on YouTube.
35 Muzzle Devices Tested – Recoil Mitigation Compared
For the last two years, Vuurwapen’s muzzle device article has stood as the seminal test of modern sporting rifle brakes. While detailed, the article has (sadly) not been updated with the latest and greatest that the industry has to offer.
The REAL Weekend Funny: User Of… As Seen By: Blogs?
It would seem that ENDO got the last word in this “Users of… As Seen By’s.” with their epic post on the major online: gun blogs: TFB, TTAG, and ENDO. Click the picture below to be taken to ENDO’s post.