Concealed Carry Corner: Why Trigger Control Could Save Your Life

Occasionally I will help a friend out from time to time while he teaches beginner handgun courses and CPL classes. While I’m standing behind the line watching students fire downrange, it surprises me the number of shooters who don’t fully understand the importance of trigger control. Whether its a younger person shooting for the first time or a competitive shooter, it’s important to develop a solid foundation for trigger control. Having an understanding of what trigger control means and why it’s important could end up saving your life down the road. Let’s jump into some of the reasons why trigger control could save your life.

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MantisX Firearms Training System | SHOT 2017

Stuck in the middle of what seems like a thousand media emails I received from SHOT vendors was one from Adam Ratigan of MantisX. Like any good intelligence collection specialist (a fancy term for Google dork), it is wise to take a quick 5,000 foot pass on any information that comes your way to see if it is relevant. And as it happens, a quick look at MantisX had me interested enough to stop by their booth for more information and a brief demo.

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