Cox Firearms Providing Active Shooter Training for Civilians

The nation has sadly had more than its fair share of violent shootings over the last couple of years. The why or the how of this sharp increase is still a hot topic of debate for many but for others, like Cox Firearms, the times we live in now are just a reality and one that must be trained for and adapted to. Cox Firearms Training of Texas is now working with churches, law enforcement, schools, and private businesses to teach them how to respond in an active shooter situation. So what does active shooter training prepare civilians for?

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TFB Review: Aggressive Defensive Solutions Firearm Courses

Throughout my life, there’ve been a few things I’ve always wanted to cross off my bucket list. After being cooped up for over a year, I decided early in 2022 that I would travel around the country for various training courses. A friend recently told me about a small training company in the northern part of North Carolina that I had to check out. I hopped in my truck and made my way down to Moyock, NC for quite the weekend. Let’s take a closer look at my experience with Aggressive Defensive Solutions firearms courses.

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Concealed Carry Corner: New Concealed Carry Trends

It’s always fun going to see some of my friends who are in the instructing world. Trainers are always evolving and trying to make their classes better whenever possible. After a year and a half, I had the opportunity to sit down with an old friend of mine named Cody. Now Cody has worked his tail off and ended up building one of the largest training programs in southwest Michigan. Hanging out with other people in the gun community can twist your perception of what’s popular and what new concealed carry trends people are doing.

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Concealed Carry Corner: Being Educated vs Emotional

Recently, I drove from Michigan to Tampa for a much-needed vacation. While driving down, I decided to turn on the FieldCraft Survival podcast to pass the time. Usually, I will save a few episodes up to entertain me on long trips. Their latest episode touched on recent events of unrest and what it means to concealed carriers during this time. One of the head instructors,  Raul Martinez, brought up a concept about being educated in society. He made a great point about how education affects how emotional someone is. In the 178th podcast, he was explaining about education as a broad topic in the inner-city school systems. As I was driving late at night, I started thinking about how it may be just as true in the gun community as well. Let’s dive into the idea of educated vs emotional.

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New NRA Online Gun Safety Classes Now Available For New Shooters

With the recent uptick in firearms sales, the need for gun safety for both new and seasoned shooters is at an all-time high. In response, New NRA Online gun safety classes are being offered as part of their effort to keep all gun owners safe.

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