Firing an RPG-7 Rocket Launcher Trainer
In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves operates an RPG-7 rocket launcher. Well, kind of. This RPG-7 Trainer is a unit that was demilled, but the fire control unit was reactivated and the launcher restored to being operable.
USAF M16A2 Cobolt Trainer
The U.S. Air Force recently posted solicitation for 150 M4 training rifles coming from Olympic Arms, under the name of Cobolt. This is not at all to be confused with the high end competition AR company similarly named Cobalt. It turns out that the Air Force has been using these trainers for some time now, especially during Air Force basic training. Unlike standard blue trainers made out of plastic, the rifles are essentially a demilitarized version of the M16A2. This is accomplished by turning an actual M16A2 parts kit into a rifle, minus the trigger group and a filled barrel. From what I can gather, either the trigger group has been filled in with some substance, or it just can’t operate if attached to a functioning upper receiver at all. The Trainers can be ordered with either blue or black furniture and are available as a M16A2 or M4 configuration. Olympic Arms made the Trainers, but since the company has gone out of business, this might be an opportunity to provide a similar trainer to the DOD. The need for these don’t seem to be stopping, and they look ridiculously simple to manufacture from existing A2 parts kits.
GSG's 9mm MP40 Lookalike, Optics-Ready GSG-16 | SHOT 17
If you are a fan of the World War II German MP40 submachine gun and want to have one of your very own, you are pretty much out of luck unless you are willing to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for a transferable original. However, it has been possible to buy “trainer” replicas in .22 long rifle, made by German Sport Guns (GSG), which for many was as close as they could come to owning an original “Schmeisser” machine pistol.
LaserLyte Universal Shotgun Trainer LT-120
LaserLyte Universal Shotgun Trainer is a sound activated laser that fits into any 12 and 20 gauge barrel. When the trigger is pulled the laser lights up, projecting 8 dots in a circular pattern and one dot at the center. The circle grows at one inch per yard of distance from the target. The trainer is going to sell for $219.95.