TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 13: Budget Home Defense Shotgun Edition
Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 13. For the last couple of months, James over at TFBTV has been going through a pretty extensive series of videos centered around shotguns. Although perhaps slightly less favored than handguns or rifles for home defense or tactical situations, the shotgun is often the first thing many people gravitate towards when they are thinking of home defense solutions. This week for our TFB Amazon deals, I’ve gone through some of the items that James has mentioned in his videos and found some that happen to be on sale. I’ve also found a few other deals on aftermarket shotgun accessories for those looking to put together a budget home defense shotgun setup. If you haven’t seen any of the previously mentioned videos yet, I’ll link them down below. They are definitely worth checking out!
TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 10: 10/22 Accessories Edition
Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 10. This week we’ve got a lineup of 10/22 accessories to look at. The 10/22 is kind of a jack of all trades when it comes to firearms. It’s cheap and fun to shoot but also makes a great small game hunting implement. The 10/22 has been around for close to 60 years now and I’m glad to see the rifle still being modified by end-users as well as Ruger adding new iterations from time to time. There’s nothing wrong with a bone stock 10/22 rifle but my own 10/22 is somewhat of a guinea pig for testing out different types of aftermarket parts, not so much to make the rifle more useful or reliable but more out of just pure morbid curiosity on what said accessories are all about. This week I’ve gathered a few items I think are useful and also happen to be one sale. Enjoy!
TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 9: Essential Gear Edition
Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 9: Essential Gear Edition. This week I’ve gathered a handful of items that I consider to be “essential” when it comes to shooting or everyday carry duty. We’re lucky enough to have an absolutely staggering amount of high-quality products available to us in the gun industry but it’s always nice to have those things when we also get a bit of a discount (especially during these trying days). This week we’ve got a few lights, a knife, hearing protection, and even some sight-in targets. Are these the only things you’ll be needing at the range? No. However, I find myself using these items more often than not and every item on this list is something I more or less carry with me to the range every time,. Everything else just depends on what kind of shooting I plan on doing for the day.
TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 8: National Composites Week
Hello and welcome to TFB weekly Amazon Deals 8: National Composites Week. Composites have taken on a big role in the firearms world and continue to do so as the years go by. From carbon fiber handguards, roll-wrapped barrels, and composite rifle stocks, you almost can’t avoid the part of a composite firearm in this day and age, and probably for good reason. This week we’ll be featuring some recent deals I’ve discovered on Amazon that involve composite gun parts as well as a few other odds and ends I found that was interesting.
TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 7: National Roller Coaster Day
Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 7: National Roller Coaster Day. Roller coasters are fun, perhaps not quite as fun as firearms though. However, these days I feel like we are often on a roller coaster within the firearms industry. With items like the Rare Breed FRT-15 being unceremoniously declared a machine gun by the ATF and the current ongoing struggle within the ammunition industry, gun owners seem to always be on the cusp of oblivion. That brings us to the theme of today’s deals – chaos. This particular list really has no rhyme or reason aside from the first item – a torque limiter. I don’t like guessing when it comes to inch/pounds torquing and a lot of manufacturers are specifying the correct torque to apply on just about every gun component – so it’s great to have a reliable and portable torque limiter with you at the range or at home on the bench.