Colt SUED for Half a Million Dollars over Expanse Production Cutbacks

Colt’s Manufacturing is in hot water: A lawsuit filed in the District Connecticut court by finance company Prestige Capital is targeted at the gunmaker, with the aim of recouping half a million dollars plus legal fees and interest over what the plaintiff claims was a breach of contract during the production of the Expanse Carbine. The suit follows Colt’s scaling back of a contract for the Colt Expanse, a budget priced Colt-branded carbine whose production was farmed out to Bold Ideas, also known as Colt Competition. Colt’s contract with Bold Ideas allowed them to scale back production of the rifles – originally set at 6,000 to be delivered each quarter – but required 60 days’ notice. According to a letter cited in the suit, which was filed at the end of June, Colt scaled back production to 2,400 units per quarter “immediately” in March.

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GLOCK UNDERBID BY SIG ON MHS: Statement on Glock MHS Protest Decision Released by GAO

Since the Government Accountability Office’s decision to reject Glock’s protest of the Modular Handgun System contract award to SIG Sauer, the GAO has released a statement. The 17 page document outlines not only the reason for the GAO’s decision, but provides insight as to the deciding factors in the MHS contract award as well. Chiefly, the document reveals that SIG substantially underbid Glock, and that this – and not any technical difference between the competitors’ pistols – was the deciding factor in the contract award:

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BREAKING: Heckler & Koch WINS LAWSUIT Against German Gov't Regarding G36 Sale to Saudi Arabia

Heckler and Koch has won a major victory against the German government this week, regarding the sale of G36 assault rifles to Saudi Arabia. In the mid-2000s, Heckler and Koch sold tooling for the G36 to the Saudi government capable of producing 14,000 rifles per year. However, in 2008 the German government prevented the manufacture of rifles in that country without the exclusive production in Germany of five key components, without which the rifles could not be assembled. The company requested to export 28,000 rifle components and replacement parts to Saudi Arabia in 2013, but the government did not respond, resulting in the lawsuit from Heckler and Koch.

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BREAKING: Remington M4 Lawsuit DISMISSED by Judge at Remington's Request

Remington’s lawsuit against Colt Defense, LLC, Fabrique Nationale Herstal USA, and the federal government has been dismissed by Senior Judge Nancy B. Firestone of the US Court of Federal Claims. The sealed lawsuit, which contested the award of a mega-million dollar contract to the two defendant companies, was filed on November 24th, of 2015. Although no judgment has been published yet, you can read the Order of Dismissal here.

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Sig Sauer vs. ATF on Pause Pending Third Muzzle Brake Classification

SeaCoastOnline has reported that the lawsuit between the Sig Sauer and the BATFE is now suspended pending the ATF’s reevaluation of the MPX muzzle brake. The suspension is mutually agreed upon by both the ATF and Sig until the ATF concludes a formal third evaluation of the device due August 6th. If the ATF rules against the device again, the lawsuit will resume.

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