TFB Review: TYPE-A EG-19 Pistol – Part 2

The EG-19 is TYPE-A’s take on a modified Glock 19. It comes with a number of upgrades over a standard Glock 19 that certainly improve the overall shooting experience and feel of the pistol in my opinion. Back in December I first got my hands on the TYPE-A EG-19 pistol and on Wednesday we published the first part of my review of this pistol. This is Part 2 of the TYPE-A EG-19 pistol review.

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POTD: Sonoran Defense Glocks

Our Photo Of The Day articles bring together some of the most eye-catching and visually appealing images. You won’t find a lot of pictures of sunsets, flowers or touristic landmarks here, instead, the photo selection spans from soldiering, firearms, special units, snipers and the odd knife or two. Today we have images of Glock pistols modified by  Sonoran Defense Technologies (AZ, USA). The images are from Offensive Marketing Group.

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POTD: Roger Stippling from Poland

As usual, we have selected some pictures for you today. By this time you know it, it’s TFB’s Photo Of The Day to keep you in a good mood. Get a coffee, take a break and enjoy a few minutes of this Glock painted so that it disappears on top of the Polish flag. The work is done by a Polish guy who calls himself Roger Stippling ( Stippling – Personalizacja Broni przez Roger).

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Laser Stippling for GLOCK and Other Polymer Pistols

So this is a thing. We have all seen all the stippling that is very popular on the GLOCK pistols, and has bled over into the rest of the polymer-framed handgun world. Stippling can be very functional and in some cases, a very aesthetically pleasing art form. It seems to be that it is the “aesthetically pleasing” part that most gun owners have trouble with.

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Lee-Metford trench art of the Boer War

The .303 Lee Metford bolt action rifle filled the needs of the British Empire between the Martini-Henry of Zulu lore, and the SMLE that would fill the hands of Tommy infantrymen for the next half century. The rifle wasn’t in service very long, but it did serve in a number of British conflicts, most notably the Second Boer War of 1899-1901.

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POTD: Battlecomped Glock

Alan Normandy, of Battlecomp, posted this Glock on Facebook. If you look closely, the slide has the Battlecomp logo engraved into it as well as forward slide serrations. The slide was milled for a RMR and suppressor sights were installed. The most interesting item is the repurposing of a Battlecomp muzzle brake to fit onto the threaded Glock barrel. I am curious to find out if this would actually help with muzzle climb or if it is just for looks.

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SV Infinity Machined Steel Grips

I got a chance to feel a SV Infinity yesterday and boy is it nice. Matt Trout is a grandmaster in USPSA and the SV infinity is his gun. The one aspect of the gun that stood out for me was the steel grips and the texture that SV machines into them. It is similar to stippling but it is better than stippling. It was ridiculously grippy and the weight really helped with the balance. I wish I could have test drove it to see what a race gun feels like when driven fast.

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Review: Modifying and Stippling a Glock

At the risk of starting a religious war, today I want to write about custom handgun modifications. I am of the mindset that once I have bought something, it is mine. I also believe that most things bought “off the shelf” are a great starting point, but rarely the final product I want to live with. That said, I like modifications to look “stock”, as if the product came from the factory that way.

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