Guns of "The Rundown" Movie
While being a film from a time before “The Rock” really became “The Rock”, the movie The Rundown seems to have been largely forgotten however I think it’s a movie with some pretty interesting firearms and firearm manipulation. I’m not aware of any other film where the protagonist tears up a town of henchmen with akimbo pump-action shotguns.
POTD: Mexican Colt 6929 and Smith & Wesson Model 10
Because Mexico is the answer! The Photo Of The Day can be chosen for a variety of reasons, and now you know why. There have been a lot of Netflix movies about Mexico in my life over the past few years, but you rarely see how the Mexican Police are armed. These photos could have given us a clue, but fate wanted something else, just read the caption below. I also learned that the Colt 6929 is said to have an extremely high-quality barrel.