Arms of America is Supporting Ukraine by Selling Russian Ammo
Arms of America, an importer and seller of Kalashnikov rifles, pistols and parts kits, has announced that it is supporting Ukraine with every case of Russian ammo sold. All proceeds from these sales will be donated directly to a Ukrainian charity. This is unsurprising given Arms of America’s founding by combat veterans as well as close ties to WBP Rogow of Poland.
Russian Ammo Ban – Numbers and the Coming Years
There have been a lot of numbers thrown around with regards to the Russian ammo ban. Many of them are unsourced or unattributed, and as near as I can tell, wrong. So what are the actual numbers? What is the actual impact of this ban going to be?
Import Ban – Russian Ammo And Guns Go the Way of the Dodo
Under new State Department sanctions, there will be no Russian ammo or firearms coming into the US beginning on September 7th of this year. The Department of State published a fact sheet today regarding new sanctions imposed on Russia. The relevant text of the sanctions includes: