New Rugged Suppressors SurgeX Rifle Silencer
In the ever-evolving industry of firearm accessories, established brands are continuously innovating to stay ahead of the curve. In a recent development, Rugged Suppressors, known for its line of durable silencers, has introduced a revamped version of its tried and true noise reduction device – the SURGE. Dubbed the SURGEX, this updated suppressor, announced at the SHOT Show 2024, promises enhancements in size versatility, efficiency, and sound dampening.
[SHOT 2024] Rugged Suppressors Revamps the SURGE with the New SURGEX
In the ever-evolving industry of firearm accessories, established brands are continuously innovating to stay ahead of the curve. In a recent development, Rugged Suppressors, known for its line of durable silencers, has introduced a revamped version of its tried and true noise reduction device – the SURGE. Dubbed the SURGEX, this updated suppressor, announced at the SHOT Show 2024, promises enhancements in size versatility, efficiency, and sound dampening.
NEW Rugged Alaskan 360 Omni-Suppressor [TriggrCon 2022]
In this episode of TFBTV Show Time, James Reeves is at TriggrCon 2022 talking with the gang from Rugged Suppressors about their new omni-can, the Rugged Alaskan 360. It’s tough as nails and can run on just about anything while being very lightweight. Check today’s video for details, release date, and pricing.
Rugged Suppressors Introduces the Alaskan360 Suppressor
Modern hunting cartridges are still pushing the limits of pressure and durability when it comes to the firearms they’re shot out of and the accessories that are attached to those guns. Rugged Suppressors has just announced the introduction of their latest suppressor – the Alaskan360. The Alaskan 360 is meant to be an all-around suppressor that can handle the highest pressure rounds, like .338 Lapua Magnum and .300 Remington Ultra Magnum.
SILENCER SATURDAY #221: Rugged Razor556 – Reduced Blowback AR-15 Suppressor
Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the YHM R9 suppressor. Last week we got our hands on the SIG SLX556 QD rifle suppressors (yes, full auto testing is still coming). Today we spend some time with the brand new Rugged Razor556 reduced blowback AR-15 suppressor. I really like the Razor556; let me tell you why.
The New Razor556 from Rugged Suppressors
A descendant from the Razor family of the suppressors, the new Razor556 from Rugged Suppressors is a lightweight, full-auto capable, reduced blowback suppressor. The new suppressor shares the same belt-fed rating that a lot of other Rugged suppressors carry and is also priced quite affordably when compared to some other options currently on the market.
POTD: WWII Bomber – Suppressed Volquartsen
Photo Of The Day: Decorated and Cerakoted by Blowndeadline, we have a Volquartsen .22LR with some hush-hush from Rugged Suppressors. The paint scheme is inspired by a WWII Bomber, then laser engraved and filled. I would love to take this gun to the next Steel Challenge, well perhaps without the suppressor so that the timers can record anything (ask me how I know).
SILENCER SATURDAY #197: Quiet Carry – Rugged Mustang22
Hello everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the new YHM Phantom 22 rimfire suppressor. Last week Rusty ran us through the B&T KH9SD integrally suppressed pistol caliber carbine (I’m honestly a bit jealous). This week we are back with a brand new rimfire can – the Rugged Mustang22. As I mentioned in the announcement, the Mustang22 is very quiet, but does it have all the other important characteristics of a quality rimfire silencer? Let’s take a look.
New Release: The Rugged Mustang Modular .22LR Suppressor
The new Rugged Mustang .22LR suppressor was released at the perfect time of year. While our esteemed TFBTV star James Reeves loathes the autumn months, I’m the complete opposite. The mosquitoes are dying off, the foliage is worthy of an epic Bob Ross/Thomas Kincade collaboration, and temperatures are downright pleasant. My favorite fall pastime is long strings of rimfire shooting. Add in a quality silencer and I’m in heaven.
SILENCER SATURDAY #184: The Rugged Oculus Modular Rimfire Suppressor
Good afternoon suppressor fans and welcome to the 184th edition of TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by our friends at Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the awesome YHM Turbo K. Last week we tested the Dead Air Mask rimfire silencer. This week we take a peek at another industry leader – the Rugged Oculus rimfire suppressor. Modular, strong, and most importantly, quiet, the Rugged Oculus is definitely a fan favorite. So how do you choose between any of the industries best rimfire silencers? Honestly, since I own multiple rimfire cans for different hosts, I’m not sure I’m going to be of much help. But let’s give it a go.
[NRA 2019] Rugged Suppressors Radiant 762 from the ASA Shoot
The Firearm Blog (TFB) was in attendance for the American Suppressor Association’s (ASA) Media Shoot for NRAAM 2019 and we got a closer look at their NEW Radiant 762 silencer! This was one of the must-see silencers that appeared at the ASA Media Shoot because of its modularity as well as its diminutive length and weight.
NEW SHUSHER: Rugged Radiant762 LW w/ ADAPT Modular Technology
Rugged Suppressors has brought a new meaning to lightweight silencers with their latest engineered design. The Radiant762 is comprised of stellite and titanium and also affords the user the luxury to easily switch between two different lengths. This can provide the shooter different purposes for different needs in the field or at the range.
Silencer Saturday #6 – The Quiet Man
It warms my heart to see so many silencer-ready firearms coming to market. Just in to TFB from Newport, New Hampshire are two of the newest rifles from Ruger: the Ruger Precision Rimfire (RPR) and the Ruger PC Carbine (PCC). While both feature threaded barrels in a standard 1/2“ x 28 thread pitch, a similar release of new rifles ten years ago might have ignored suppressor compatibility. You really have to hand it to Ruger: for a company who’s typical customer used to be strictly a bolt gun/White Tail type of shooter, they are making it easier to be the Quiet Man or Woman. Side note, if you haven’t seen the John Wayne classic, it’s worth your time.
Last Night Of Hanukkah At TFB – Rifle Silencers
Even though today is officially the tenth day of TFB Christmas, I wanted to make sure to recognize the last night of Hanukkah for our Jewish readers and shooters around the world. If I had thought of it, I would have made today the “illumination” part of the series – bringing much needed light to the dark winter days of the northern hemisphere. Instead, today is arbitrarily all about Rifle Silencers.