Local firearm fabrication in Nigeria.
Nigeria has laws that restrict ownership of firearms to citizens being barely able to purchase and possess pump-action shotguns at the most, and single or double barrel shotguns generally. Aspiring gun owners need to be over 35 years of age, and al$o ‘qualify’ for the necessary licenses. [No error in the last sentence!] Licenses may only be approved by the President of the Federation [!] though this authority is delegated to 36 State Commissioners of Police.
Y-man Goes Shooting in the USA
Hello all, Y-man here. It’s been a long time, and I have missed writing my guest posts. Thanks to Steve for having me. Many thanks for all your kind and constructive comments.
Y-man's home-made slug shooting adventures continue [ Part 7 ]
[ Y-Man, our resident Nigerian shotgunner, continues his series of guest articles about his quest to build the perfect shotgun. Being one of the lucky few in Africa to legally own a gun, he has to fabricate many parts and ammunition himself because supplies of gun parts are so limited. You can read Part 6 here. ]
Progressive development of Y-man's home-made slugs [ Part 6 ]
[ Y-Man, our resident Nigerian shotgunner, continues his series of guest articles about his quest to build the perfect shotgun. Being one of the lucky few in Africa to legally own a gun, he has to fabricate many parts and ammunition himself because supplies of gun parts are so limited. You can read Part 5 here. ]
[Guest Post] : The Saga of the Nigerian Shotgunner [Part 4]
[ Y-Man, our resident Nigerian shotgunner, continues his series of guest articles about his quest to build the perfect shotgun. Being one of the lucky few in Africa to legally own a gun, he has to fabricate many parts and ammunition himself because supplies of gun parts are so limited. For the first time, we have videos of Y-Man in person! ]
[Guest Post] The Saga of the Nigerian Shotgun … Continued
[ This is a guest post is written by Y-Man. If you have been reading the blog over the past year you will have seen the incredible ingenuity he has demonstrated in Nigeria, where there exist severe restrictions on guns and ammunition. His previous exploits include Turning Birdshot into Slugs for Self-Defense and Fabricating a Shotgun Stock. ]
Engineers and experts: Y-Man needs you advice
Our Nigerian friend needs some advice (If you have not read his latest guest blog post, it is here) …