[SHOT 2024] Turkeys Beware – New Tungsten 28GA Load From Apex ammunition

Apex Ammunition is once again expanding its non-toxic ammunition lineup to stay ahead of the “sub gauge craze,” by introducing its new 28 gauge turkey load. This hard-hitting load combines 1 Oz of #10 tungsten shot with a half-oz of #9 shot.

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Taurus GX4 Now Available In New Color Options

If you were thinking about picking up one of Taurus’ new GX4 pistols but thought the standard black finish was not exciting enough for you, then Taurus has some good news for you. The Taurus GX4 is now available in two new slide finishes – Tungsten and Coyote. The pistols are available now from $410.61 MSRP.

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Cabot Guns Offers Pre-order Special on Dellatorre and Lanzo from Sandrin Knives

Cabot Guns, our favorite purveyor of guns we can’t afford, started in 2016 a collaboration with Sandrin Knives of Italy. We saw here a taste of it, on a high-end custom knife matching the level of Cabot Guns 1911 creations. Now we get the chance to order more usable and affordable EDC models, at a special introductory price.

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Canik TP9SF Elite Now Hitting the Range in Black, Tungsten Grey & OD Green Cerakotes

To break in the new year of 2018, Canik has decided to bust out some new colors for one of their most popular pistols. The Canik TP9SF Elite has broadened its color options so now you can hit the range with either a Black, Tungsten Grey or Olive Drab Green (OD Green) Cerakote model.

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Level IV Armor, and the Future of Small Arms: Brief Thoughts 001

With Level IV armor rising in availability, calls for “overmatch”, and the increased presence of urban warfare, will designers be able to meet the requirements for future small arms? Forumgoer Poliorcetes raised this question in a discussion at the Military Guns & Ammunition forum:

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Quarter Circle 10 Weight Adjustable Pistol Caliber Carbine Buffer

Quarter Circle 10 has introduced a new weight adjustable buffer assembly for the AR-pattern blowback operated pistol caliber carbines. The buffer comes with four aluminum, four steel, and four tungsten weights, as well as four rubber spacers. Having that choice of different material weights you can assemble the buffer to weigh from 5 oz (without any weight installed) to 11 oz (with all tungsten weights) and everything in-between. By choosing the proper weight combination you can adjust the overall buffer weight to flawlessly work with the caliber your PCC is chambered in. It will also be handy to adjust the weight for use with a suppressor.

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7.62mm Advanced Armor Piercing Bullet Unveiled by Stiletto Systems

In an era of increasingly resilient body armor, new small arms ammunition solutions are required to even the odds between the shooter and shootee. The company Stiletto Systems, based out of the UK, is advertising its new bullet as a possible solution for this problem. The round, a relatively conventional 7.62mm tungsten cored armor piercing projectile superficially similar to Nammo’s M993 round, is advertised as having considerable penetrative power: 20.5 mm of rolled homogeneous armor at 100 meters, 100% of the time.

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Nammo's New Armor Piercing Ammunition

At the NDIA conference, Nammo gave a presentation on their new lineup of armor-piercing ammunition. Nammo produces both the tungsten cored AP rounds in use with the US Armed Forces: The 7.62mm M993 and 5.56mm M995. Aside from data on these previously enigmatic round types, the Nammo presentation also covers new round types they have introduced, such as the “Power Ball” tungsten-tipped ball ammunition for 5.56mm and 7.62mm:

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Shot gunning from a tank: M1028

The M1028 is a 120mm shotgun shell for the M1 tank. The shell holds 1100 10mm tungsten balls. They are apparently lethal up to 700m (765 yards). Here is a video of the shell being fired in slow motion. It shows the shot breaking the sound barrier and the shot pattern (H/T to Sebastian).

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