Tag: rangers

Next Generation Squad Weapons Tested By Rangers Next Generation Squad Weapons NGSW-AR POTD: Cabo Verde Joint Combined Exchange Training - U.S. Army Rangers Best Ranger Competition SIG Custom Works, U.S. Army Best Ranger Competition M17 Trophy Pistol

75th Rangers go Paintballing

Army.mil reports … Most of the 15 Rangers who participated in the paintball games Wednesday had just returned with him from a deployment only a few weeks ago, Shin said. “Sometimes the transition is tough,” he said. “For a lot of these guys, I [Read More…]

SCAR being deployed

The Army Times (via. Murdoc) report that the 75th Rangers are receiving new FN SCAR rifles: About 600 members of the 75th Ranger Regiment will soon take the Special Operations Combat Assault Rifle into battle. The 600 SCARs are the first of 1,800 that U.S. Special [Read More…]