An introduction to the patent system for gun inventors [Part 1]

[ The Editor: The Firearm Blog readers are an innovative group. We regularly get email from readers asking us for give advice on how to proceed with patenting thier gun-related inventions. I am very pleased to present the first part in a series of posts that demystify the subject of patents. The posts are written by “Your Patent Friend”, a practicing patent attorney. Please note the disclaimer below. ].

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Autonomous machine-gun toting robot patented by Samsung

Earlier this year South Korea made news by deploying two experimental sentry robots that were able to shoot at perceived threats without human intervention. A few days ago the UTSPO granted Samsung Techwin, a subsidiary of South Korean giant Samsung, a patent for an “ Automatic shooting mechanism and robot“.

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Spiral Case Ammunition

A patent application has recently been published for a novel cartridge case design. The inventor proposes a three part case with a metal base, spiraled polymer center and brass or plastic head.

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Just because it can be made does not mean it should

A patent has been granted for the design of a toy double barrel shotgun which produces smoke when the cartridges are ejected. The idea of giving a child a toy that produces smoke by heating oil does not appeal to me!

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S&W Applies for Patent on M&P15-22

Smith & Wesson have just applied for a patent on their AR-15-patterned .22 rifle, the M&P15-22.

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Magpul's Quad Stack Magazine

Magpul has just filed a patent application (#20100126053) for a quad stack AR-15 compatible magazine.

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Interesting New Pistol Design

Timothy Lindsay (USA) and Renaud Kerbrat (Switzerland) are listed as the inventors on the recently published patent application #20100077643. The patent describes a new pistol recoil mechanism that is similar to is the mechanism used by the TDI KRISS.

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Wilson Combat awarded two patents

Wilsons Gunshop (aka. Wilson Combat) has just had two patent applications approved. Both attribute Douglas D. Olson as the inventor.

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Magpul's self-leveling follower patent approved

On the 24th of this month the USPTO approved Magpul’s patent application for the Magpul self-leveling AR-15 magazine follower. Patent number 7621063 lists the inventors as Richard M. Fitzpatrick, Michael T. Mayberry and Eric S. Nakayama.

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Walther patents anti-disassembly mechanism

Carl Walther GmbH has filed for a patent on a mechanism which prevents a pistol being disassembled if a round is chambered. It works by using the extractor to manipulate a pin which prevents the disassembly.

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Raytheon applies for MILES Claymore mine patent

War games just got more fun. Raytheon has applied for a patent on a simulated M18 Claymore Anti-Personal Mine for the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) training system.

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Suicide Bomber Simulation Vest

The US Naval Air Warfare Center funded a patent application, published two weeks ago, with the innocuous title of “Military Training Device”. The device turns out to be a suicide vest simulator for the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) training system.

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Bullet dodging patent withdrawn … but downloadable here for your viewing pleasure

The IBM bullet dodging patent story, which originally broke on this blog after being discovered by reader Daniel E. Watters, created quite a lot of noise on the internet.

Noah at Danger Room noticed that the patent has since been withdrawn. It seems odd to go to all that work writing a patent, paying lawyers, only to withdraw it after news of its existance hits the internet days later. Anyone know if this happens frequently?

I had already used to convert the patent to a PDF. So here is patent number 07484451 hosted on scribd for your viewing pleasure 🙂

The lesson here is that you cannot deleted stuff off the internet, someone, somewhere, has a copy.

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