Suppressed Mosin Nagant & Russian SMGs
A reader emailed in the below photo which was taken by a friend of his on a visit to the Russian Central Army Museum at Moscow. On display is a Mosin Nagant rifle with a huge suppressor (labeled ’6′). On the far left is a submachine gun which appears to have a rifle grenade attachment. Can anyone identify the gun?
Converting a Mosin Nagant to .45-70
Two home gunsmiths, Chapaev and Voland, have been working on converting two Mosin Nagant rifles to use the .45-70 cartridge. Their almost completed rifles have a 3+1 capacity, 16.25″ barrels and fiber optic sights.
Mosin Nagant 10-Round Magazines
Richard Nagy built a 10 round magazine for his Mosin Nagant. Read about the project at Guns, Holsters & Gear.
Mosin Nagant rifle converted into a pistol
UPDATE: Looks like the above photo is a photoshop. Thanks to JM for finding the original. These obrez pistols do exist and the bottom photo does appear authentic.
Wow! Just when you think you have seen it all, you see a photo of a Mosin Nagant pistol!