Windham Weaponry: Bushmaster Reborn
Bushmaster Firearms International has long since ceased to be a separate entity, in spirit if not legally. The company has been folded into Remington and the Bushmaster name is now just one of Remington’s many brand names. Today it was announced that Bushmaster founder Richard Dyke has formed a new company called Windham Weaponry. The new company has purchased Bushmaster’s former manufacturing plant in Windham, Maine and will employ nearly half of Bushmaster’s laid-off employees. The company plans to ship its first rifles in September.
An introduction to the patent system for gun inventors [Part 1]
[ The Editor: The Firearm Blog readers are an innovative group. We regularly get email from readers asking us for give advice on how to proceed with patenting thier gun-related inventions. I am very pleased to present the first part in a series of posts that demystify the subject of patents. The posts are written by “Your Patent Friend”, a practicing patent attorney. Please note the disclaimer below. ].
Interview with Gunsmithing Student Jeremy Chan
I am often asked by readers how they can become gunsmiths, but, never having gone down that path, I am as clueless as they are. My friend Albert Rasch has published an interview with Jeremy Chan, a gunsmithing student at the Trinidad State Junior College Gunsmithing Program. The interview is well worth reading.
LWRC to use the Anniston Army Depot for manufacturing
LWRC has signed an agreement with the Anniston Army Depot to use its facilities and civilian workforce to manufacturer rifles.
NSSF response to Mexican govt. plans to sue gun industry
It was revealed a few days ago that last year the Mexican government retained an American law firm to look into the possibility of suing the US gun industry for making guns used by criminals in Mexico. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the shooting, hunting and firearms industry, has responded …
Internet Gun Fraduster Caught
Webster has been known throughout the internet gun buying world as a most elusive purveyors of internet fraud operating in our small corner of the internet buying world. He has claimed victims from nearly every popular internet discussion forum, posting guns for sale several hundred dollars below their value, and he has also surfaced on all of the major gun buying and selling websites, as well as the internet gun auctions.
What US State would be the best to open a manufacturing facility?
An employee of a well known gun company asked me which state would be the best to open a manufacturing facility. Because I am not an expert in this area I thought I would ask y’all to help.
[MAJOR NEWS] Freedom Group pulls plans for IPO!
WSJ Market Watch reports that the Freedom Group (Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin, AAC et. al.) have abandoned plans to go public …
Bushmaster Production Moved to Remington's Ilion, NY Facility
Bushmaster has moved all of its production to Remington’s factory in Ilion, NY. This comes as no surprise to anyone in the industry. For all practical purposes Bushmaster is a Remington brand rather than a separate company. This is neither a good or bad thing, it is simply the way it is. The Freedom Group is going public and they need to cut costs to make the company attractive to investors.
Sabre Defence sold to Manroy USA
Manroy USA has purchased Sabre Defence after winning a bidding war with Colt USA. The Tennessean reports …
More on Sabre Defence Auction
Nashville Business Journal reports that Alabama-based machine gun manufacturer Manroy USA has put in a $2.4 million bid on Sabre Defence. US Ordnance and Colt Defense are also interested.
Sabre Defence owner Guy Savage arrested
Sabre Defence owner Guy Savage and four other company officers have been arrested for arms trafficking. KnoxNews reports …
Sabre Defence is being liquidated
A bank has announced their intention to liquidate Sabre Defence …
Germany suspends H&K exports to Mexico
CB Online reports that the German government is investigating H&K for some undefined weapon export violations and is preventing the company from exporting weapons to Mexico until the investigation has been concluded.