LEGO Heavy Weapons
The “working” Lego guns featured in the new LEGO Heavy Weapons book are amazing. I love the shotgun and Enfield.
Variable Energy Research Accelerator aka. Worlds Largest Potato Gun
Variable Energy Research Accelerator (VERA) is essentially a massive potato gun capable of generating up to 1,660,000 ft/lbs of muzzle energy! It can launch a 100 pound (700,000 grain) projectile at 1000 feet per second. It is an incredible machine.
Weird Gun / Trophy Art
The following artwork is by Peter Gronquist from his “The Evolution Will Be Fabulous” collection …
Making the World a Better Place
At the TEDxAmsterdam conference General Peter van Uhm, Chief of the Netherlands Defense Staff, eloquently explains why he chose the gun, instead of the pen or the brush, to make the world a better place.
Gangster Gun on American Guns
Did I say Gangster Gun? I meant Wedding Anniversary Gun. I am rarely critical of guns, I don’t discriminate, I love ‘em all, but even I have my limits. MSNBC reports …
Gun Meat Grinder
Seen at SayUncle. I am at a loss for words, two of my favorite things, guns and meat, combined 😀
Gardner gun in Holland
Earlier this year I wrote about the Gardener gun. Fred emailed me some photos of the Gardener gun in use by the Dutch army at Fort aan Den Ham, one of the 45 forts that make up the Defense Line of Amsterdam, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Fred volunteers at the fort and gave me permission to use the photos on The Firearm Blog.
Kitchen Gun
British humor! Notice that three shots produce two holes wide apart.