[SHOT 2022] Magpul Enhanced Ejection Port Cover

I know, I know. An ejection port cover? We want to see guns! Just hear me out. Magpul’s Enhanced Ejection Port Cover offers a meaningful quality of life improvement to the AR building community.

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Weaponeer: A US Army Rifle Simulator from a Bygone Era

It’s an unfortunate fact that the amount of training needed increases disproportionately as higher and higher levels of proficiency are sought. In other words, the better you are, the more and more (and more) you’ll need to train to get even better than that. It’s also an unfortunate fact that training is expensive; every round fired costs a substantial fraction of a dollar, and on top of that instructors (and trainees, too, in military and LE training) must be paid, ranges and weapons maintained, and a whole host of other costs. There simply isn’t a way around it; if you want better riflemen, you need to pony up for more training.

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Upcoming "Gadget" for Glock Handguns

I agree with ToddG from Pistol Forum that holstering a hammered firearm is indeed safer than holstering a common striker-fired handgun. This is principally because a shooter can “ride the hammer” to ensure it cannot fall during the holstering movement.

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Gun Meat Grinder

Seen at SayUncle. I am at a loss for words, two of my favorite things, guns and meat, combined 😀

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New Bushnell BackTrack GPS

Bushnell have announced an ultra-compact GPS device called the BackTrack. It is designed to find your way back to your car/home/hotel/camp site.

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