New Holster Fits for SIG Pistols from DeSantis Gunhide
A large supplier for both the private and professional firearms sectors, DeSantis Gunhide has a wide array of quality leather holsters that are adapted for modern pistols. Adding to this lineup are new fits from the DeSantis Vengeance Scabbard #201 for the SIG P320C and P250C. The non-traditional open-top leather holster allows for a wide array of belt fitment options as well as a few additional features that allow for smoother reholstering.
New CSX Holster Fits Now Available from DeSantis Gunhide
The new Smith & Wesson CSX pistol made waves in late 2021 when it was released and people were quick to start picking these pistols up and incorporating them into their daily carry rotation. DeSantis Gunhide has stepped in with a large number of CSX holster fits that make use of their already existing lineup that people know and love.
New Springfield Emissary Holsters from DeSantis Gunhide
The Springfield Emissary has received a lot of attention on the site from both those excited for it and those not so impressed with the new production .45 Auto pistol. For those of you who are planning on buying one or have already ordered one, DeSantis has some new holster options for the Springfield Emissary. The new Emissary holsters will all be made from premium leather and will have several options for customization based on your specific carry preferences.
Accessories Roll Out for the New Taurus GX4
Last week Taurus rolled out their new GX4 sub-compact 9mm pistol so of course, some new accessories have been announced including new laser modules from Viridian and holsters from Galco and DeSantis. Check out TFB’s review of the Taurus GX4 here and Hop took a look at it over on TFBtv, check out his video here.
New DeSantis Slim-Tuk IWB Holster for TLR-6 Equipped SIG P365 Pistols
The Streamlight TLR-6 is one of the most popular choices for weapon lights for micro-compact pistols such as the SIG Sauer P365. The downside is that there are still only a few options out there for a TLR-6 equipped P365 pistol. DeSantis holsters have just released their new light-bearing Slim-Tuk holster option for P365 pistols equipped with Streamlight TLR-6 lights.
DeSantis Adds Holsters To Fit The SIG SAUER P365 XL
DeSantis recently debuted no less than 10 holsters designed to fit the SIG SAUER P365 XL pistol. TFB has kept readers up to date with the latest DeSantis has to offer over the years. The SIG SAUER P365 and P365 XL have become quite popular. Below are the latest holster models that DeSantis has updated to include the P365 XL option. DeSantis did not have updated pictures at the time of the press release, but the links included will show the looks and features of each holster
[NRA 2019] New Holster Options from DeSantis
In this episode of TFBTV’s NRAAM 2019 coverage, James Reeves visits with Desantis to talk about new holster designs from the company, which has been in business for nearly 40 years, hand making holsters in leather and synthetic materials for Glocks, 1911s, and many, many other pistols.
"Unload and show clear"? DeSantis' Clear Kydex Holsters
I do enjoy DeSantis Gunhide’s products. They make some of my favorite IWB and pocket holsters for micro-compact semiautos. Back when I was involved with firearms retail, they were also a super friendly and easy company to deal with as a small business. At SHOT 2018, they showed me some of their more wild creations, including these two clear OWB Kydex holsters.
[Shot 2018] New Holsters from DeSantis Gunhide
I’ve been an avid user of DeSantis Gunhide holsters for quite some time, primarily using their Tuck-This, Super Fly, and Pro-Stealth holsters for BUG (back-up gun) use. I’ve found their holsters to be well-made and able to stand up to pretty constant use, including in an LE or EDC capacity. With the prevalence of smaller lights and light/laser combos, more and more people are adding that capability to their EDC guns. DeSantis is recognizing this trend by focusing on expanding holster offerings that can accommodate lights and lasers.
New DeSantis Rigs for the Hudson H9 Pistol
One of the more interesting new guns on the market is the Hudson H9. This pistol was developed by a small startup with the intent of blending the best features of the venerable 1911 platform with those of more modern pistols. Many of those that had a chance to shoot it at Industry Day at the Range in January were impressed. See a TFB from that event below:
DeSantis Introduces Pedersoli Howdah Holster
DeSantis Gunhide announced it was making a reproduction holster for the Ithaca Auto and Burglar shotgun. The Auto and Burglar shotgun was a specialty firearm made in the early 20th century. More recently, the gun has been resurrected as the Howdah 45/410 handgun being made by Davide Pedersoli. DeSantis Gunhide states these rigs will fit the new Howdah. Although the company doesn’t seem to explicitly say so, I would imagine the new Pedersoli guns are the true reason why DeSantis is now making this rig.
NEW: DeSantis Holsters for Ruger LCP II
DeSantis has been designing and manufacturing quality holsters since 1972. Of course, four decades ago the company consisted of founder Gene DeSantis making holsters one by one at his kitchen table; safe to say they’ve come a long way since then. One thing that has never changed is their dedication to quality and usability. Today they also work to provide a variety of carry options for a stunning number of firearms, and the latest gun to enter into their holster lineup is the new Ruger LCP II.
DeSantis Offers Holsters for Glock Pistols with Streamlight TLR-6
DeSantis Gunhide announced that its two popular pocket holsters, the Nemesis and the Super Fly, are now available for the micro Glock pistols fitted with the Streamlight TLR-6.
DeSantis Announces New Rigs for XD Mod.2 with 3.3″ Barrel
DeSantis Gunhide announced several new fits for the Springfield Armory XD .45 Mod.2 with a 3.3″ barrel. All of these fits are in existing product lines, so potential buyers should be able to get a good idea of how the existing scabbards wear.
The New DeSantis Outback Holster
Looking for a single holster to do all things? DeSantis thinks they have designed the carry rig for you.