Grayboe Introduces New Phoenix 2 Stock

Grayboe has updated their Phoenix stock to become the Phoenix 2. This Rem 700-footprint stock is a reshaped and improved version. Let’s take a look at some of its features.

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TFB Review: Kriss Defiance DMK22 LVOA

Kriss USA is well known for their Kriss Vector. A few years ago they started another sister company called Defiance. This company designs and develops accessories for their Vectors as well as starting a line of .22lr rimfire rifles called the DMK22. We got a chance to review their DMK22 LVOA as well as their standard regular DMK22.

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When Firearms are a Political Statement – The P.A. Luty Homemade SMGs

Famous strategic and political thinker once said that “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” From many perspectives, this is entirely true and weapons being tools of war can then be seen as weapons of politics. While we here at TFB focus on the technological aspects of our hobby, sometimes the creation of a firearm is indeed intended as a political act.

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Defiance DMK22 | SHOT 2017

KRISS ARMS sister company, Defiance is bringing out a .22LR AR15. One very interesting feature is that it uses 10-22 barrels. There is a small catch. It is not compatible with Bentz chambered barrels. It has to do with how the DMK chambers its rounds.

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New Products From KRISS USA | TFBTV | Shot 2017

Who doesn’t love a sub gun? How about a sub gun in 10mm? Patrick takes several calibers of the KRISS sub gun on a test drive along with the brand new DMK-22 AR-15 styled .22 lr gun. Tons of new products for KRISS and even a night sight solution for Sphinx SDP owners!

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[SHOT 2016] Kriss' New Defiance DMK-22 Dedicated 22 AR-15

While visiting our friends at Kriss I was pulled into what appeared to be a coat closet to see the newest thing from Kriss. When he pulled out a AR-15 I was a little baffled as to why it was so super top secret but after looking at it closer I was well aware as to why the DMK-22 is going to change the rimfire 22 market. After spending some time looking it over very closely I noticed that the barrel was not a standard AR-15 barrel, when I asked Kriss what was going on there they replied with “The DMK-22 will accept barrels from a very popular .22”. When I talked to a few other people that were privy to the new DMK-22 we came to the conclusion that they may be using a 10/22 barrel. Kriss declined to confirm our suspicions, I guess we will have to wait to see what happens when the launch the product officially. As of now there is no projected release date.

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Google Glass vs Two KRISS Vector SMGs

RatedRR tested out Google Glass 2.0. Using high speed video he captures all the information and shows us the details. The Google Glass did very well in its first two tests. But does not fair well against the KRISS SMG test. Just to kick it up a notch, he uses two KRISS SMGs. Totally scientific and worthwhile test. Now those with Google Glass 2.0 will no longer ponder if their Google Glass will protect their eyes. Clearly not.

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Defiance Pistol and SMG Suppressors

Christophe Guignard, CEO of Defiance (and VP of KRISS and Sphinx) explains the features of their pistol and submachine gun suppressors. Innovative is an overused term in this industry, but these products definitely have innovations that set them apart from practically all other suppressors on the market.

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