LuckyGunner Puts Red And Green Lasers Head To Head

Green lasers have been hyped a lot recently, but how do they actually compare with red lasers? LuckyGunner’s Chris Baker takes a look at this question in his latest article. It’s worth reading the whole thing, but his conclusions are recreated below:

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Crimson Trace's Laser Sights Training Video

In 1994, Crimson Trace came out with their first product – an internal system for Glocks – in 1996, they launched their patented LaserGrips at SHOT Show, and today they sell more than 200 high-quality laser sights. There are uses to laser sights beyond the obvious (they create a bright pinpoint of light), and in order to help consumers install and utilize their products to the fullest, Crimson Trace has come out with a training video. The video was made at Gunsite, Col. Jeff Cooper’s firearms academy, and can be used both by private shooters and as a training aid in classes.

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Crimson Trace's New Rail Master Now Shipping

Crimson Trace, the company well known for its quality laser sights, announced their new Rail Master CMR-206 is now available. The new laser sight is green; studies show the human eye sees green more easily than any other color whether day or night. Of course, while green lasers have quite a few pros, they have some cons, as well, including difficulty being seen on a sunny day at distances beyond fifteen yards. For many the pros far outweigh the cons, and green has become popular among many shooters.

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Crimson Trace Green Lasers For Rails, Glock 42

Crimson Trace was awash in new products at the 2015 SHOT Show. Laserguards for the M&P Shield, Compact, and an integral laser for the Bodyguard and other firearms meant there was a lot to cover. However, two products caught the most attention: The green Rail Master laser, and the Laserguard for the Glock 42.

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Crimson Trace Recoil Reducing Grips

Crimson Trace announced the company will show a pair of new Lasergrips at the 2015 SHOT Show. The new grips will be made for round butt Smith & Wesson J-frame revolvers.

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Another Important Training Lesson

Last Friday, social media was a frenzy with this gem. It is another “worst tactical training video”. Dallas Lloyd of Premier Tactical Group posted a video of what he thinks people should do when caught in “some weirdo crossfire”. That solution? You should get out of your vehicle to engage the threat. He does not mention the obvious choice, which is to just drive away.

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Crimson Trace Ends Midnight 3-gun Invitational

Three years ago, Crimson Trace lit up the 3-gun scene by creating the first midnight 3-gun competition and giving shooters an excellent outlet to utilize their products. This was my first ever national 3-gun match and one my very first TFB posts, so it holds a special place in my heart.

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AR15Targets Inc. Skeletonized Lower

Nick Atkinson of Team Crimson Trace was using a skeletonized AR lower at the FNH 3Gun Championships. It is a prototype and as you can see it is not fully finalized and coated.

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Crimson Trace Offers New Lasergrips for Ruger LCR, LCRx

Crimson Trace (CT) announced they will be introducing Lasergrips for the Ruger LCR and LCRx revolvers later this month. The Lasergrips will fit all calibers of LCR and LCRx revolvers, including the rimfire guns.

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Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invitational: First Time Experience

I was lucky enough to attend the Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invitiational last week in Bend, Oregon. The match takes place over five days, with 10 unique stages that highlight the challenges of shooting at night.

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Crimson Trace Partners With S&W For Bodyguard Lasers

Crimson Trace is now partnering with S&W to supply the lasers for the Bodyguard line of pistols.  Both the Bodyguard pistol and revolver will be getting the new lasers.  No word yet on if the pricing will increase with the price of either pistol.  Hopefully this will help to stem the flow of problems that have plagued the Bodyguard 380’s laser.  From the sound of the press release, that looks to be the plan.  Use a higher quality laser manufacturer and make sure people know that is what they are doing.

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Crimson Trace To Offer Collectible Grips

As a 20th anniversary release, Crimson Trace is releasing 1000 sets of limited edition grips to the public.  Made for the 1911 platform from laminated Applejack wood they are truly a beautiful grip for the 1911.  While the price of them is only slightly higher then the normal MSRP of their normal 1911 grips, but I am sure the private resale market promises to be be much higher for those lucky enough to get a set and wanting to set.

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Laserguard LG-443: First Glock 42 Accessory Announced

Crimson Trace have announced a new laser sight for the upcoming Glock 42 .380 sub-compact …

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Crimson Trace Master Series Laser Grips

Crimson Trace is always expanding their product line. In this case they’ve added several new red laser grips to the Master series.

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New Crimson Trace lights and lasers

While the Crimson Trace SFL-100 on the M72 LAW (above) is not new (30,000 of these units are deployed worldwide), Crimson Trace has some new 2013 products which can be attached to your pistol, rifle, shotgun, and many other weapons.

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