Small Caliber Book Reviews: The Guns We Left Behind, By Phil Hirsh
Since I started this series, I’ve reviewed books according to criteria of relevance, appropriate audience, strengths, and weaknesses. This method is a shortcut allowing me to provide a compass for my readers without wasting their time.
Small Caliber Book Reviews: Assault Rifle, By Maxim Popenker and Anthony Williams
Both authors of this book may already be familiar to readers: Maxim Popenker runs world.guns.ru, and also occasionally contributes to TFB, and Anthony Williams is known both for his forum and his General Purpose Cartridge concept. In 2004, they co-published Assault Rifle, a relatively slim volume with the goal of giving the reader a comprehensive but digestible introduction to the subject.
The Hole Book: Teaching Kids Gun Safety In 1908 (Lots of Images)
The Hole Book was written and illustrated by Peter Newell in 1908. The delightful books teaches children the consequences of mishandling firearms. It is notable for being the first book to use a hole punched through the pages as a storytelling gimmick. The book is now in the public domain can be downloaded from Archive.org here.
The BrickGun Book: Building Lego Pistols
When I was a child my parents had an absolute ban on toy guns. I was not allowed cap guns, airsoft guns or those nifty ray guns with the flashing lights and pew-pew sound effects (when I was a teenager they allowed me to own as many real guns as I could afford, so I don’t hold it against them). But on the other hand I had an ample supply wood, saws, hammers, nails and lego. The pursuit, and concealment, of handmade wooden guns and lego guns made up a significant part of my childhood.
"God, Guns & Guts" : Dishonest Portrayal of Gun Owners
I have just been metaphorically punched in the guts. Ben Philippi (a pseudonym) has published the book which gun-haters been craving. Gun owners are portrayed as being scary, crazy and hostile. Ben Philippi says his book is “The Greatest Book Ever Made About Contemporary American Gun Culture”.
Amazon Avenger for $0.99
My good friend and fellow blogger Mike Mollenhour has decreased the Kindle price of his second novel, Amazon Avenger, to just $0.99. If you like Tom Clancy-style thrillers with realistic gun play, then I highly recommend this book.
Chicks with Guns
Much has been written about the relationship men have with guns. Photographer Lindsay McCrum’s new book Chicks with Guns instead explores the relationship between woman and guns. The photography looks amazing. I will definitely be buying a copy.
Amazon Avenger
My friend, fellow 2A & Gun Blogger and TFB guest author M. J. Mollenhour has published his second novel, Amazon Avenger. I thoroughly enjoyed his first book and am busy making my way through, and enjoying, his latest. I have send may rounds down range in Mike’s company. He, like me and many you, he is a realistic gun enthusiast and this comes out in his book – you won’t read any Jack Bower-style super heros sniping with 9mm Glocks, but rather real gun play and strategy.
Sub-Machine Gun Book
Max Popenker & Antony G Williams, both readers of the blog who help me out frequently with research, have co-authored another book together entitled “Sub-Machine Gun”. It should be out this summer.
The Gun – Book Review
Firstly a disclosure: The publishers of The Gun sent me a free advanced copy. I was thoroughly enjoying the book so I purchased a copy of it for my Kindle, which cost slightly less than the cost of the free hardcover I received. Now onto the review …
Stephen Hunter's upcoming book
Congrats to Stephen Hunter on his seventh book in the Bob Lee Swagger series, Dead Zero , that is due to be released on December 28 . Stephen has created a video promoting the book …
Homemade .50 BMG rifle
The .50-Caliber Rifle Construction Manual written by Bill Holmes was published in 2002. The Amazon customer reviews have criticized the book for its poor drawings and complex construction techniques.
A Rifleman Went to War by H. W. McBride
McBride did 3 things in the War. He ran a Machine Gun Squad, acted as a Rifleman, and acted as a Sniper, and he described all three extensively. Of course he grew up shooting, and joined the army already a skilled armed outdoorsman. He thought the 2 things most valuable about basic training for the general soldier was rifle range practice to get better with your weapon, and marching about to get in shape for the rigors ahead.