Law Enforcement Protective Operations

I recently attended Law Enforcement Protective Operations with Alexander Global Strategies. This was a 5 day course at the Alliance Police Range in Alliance, Ohio. This course teaches the fundamentals of executive protection. Due to the student base of this course, content focused on departments providing or assisting a protection team. However, the same information could be used by the private citizen to protect their significant other.

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Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380

Since the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 was introduced in 2011 it has been at the top of the heap when it comes to .380 mouse guns. Recently the market has been flooded with several really good 9mm single stacks that have almost rendered the .380 mouse gun irrelevant … or has it?

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[SHOT 2016] S&W Releases New Bodyguard 380 With No Manual Safety

Smith & Wesson’s big announcement at the show was something concealed carriers have been asking after for years now: An M&P Bodyguard 380 with no manual thumb safety. This would perhaps have been a much bigger announcement than it was, had the company released the product in 2012, rather than 2016. The fact is that those looking for a pocket .380 handgun – those who just can’t live with a nigh-useless manual safety, that is – have so many options to choose from at this point that the safety-less Bodyguard won’t be terribly exciting news for most.

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Crimson Trace Partners With S&W For Bodyguard Lasers

Crimson Trace is now partnering with S&W to supply the lasers for the Bodyguard line of pistols.  Both the Bodyguard pistol and revolver will be getting the new lasers.  No word yet on if the pricing will increase with the price of either pistol.  Hopefully this will help to stem the flow of problems that have plagued the Bodyguard 380’s laser.  From the sound of the press release, that looks to be the plan.  Use a higher quality laser manufacturer and make sure people know that is what they are doing.

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Women Review four .380 pistols

On Legally Armed America, three ladies shoot and review four .380 acp pistols. They look at a Ruger LCP, S&W Bodyguard, Colt XSP Mustang and the Glock 42.

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M&P Bodyguard 380

Smith&Wesson is going to make a M&P version of their 380 Bodyguard.

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Gun Review: S&W Bodyguard 38+P

NOTE: This product review was made possible by  To get up-to-date information on where to find revolvers for sale, please visit

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S&W Bodyguard 380 Pistol and 38 Revolver

One of the major product launches at SHOT Show was the launch of the S&W Bodyguard Series.

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