Are Long Range Infantry Calibers Just Marketing Smoke and Mirrors?

With the recent push for small arms ammunition with increased range, power and capability, are military customers in danger of being taken for a ride by industry marketeers working to sell rifles in new calibers? Is the primary driving force behind new infantry calibers not in fact a need to be addressed, but a desire to sell weapons in a stagnant small arms market?

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Too Dangerous to Live? ICSR, Cancellation, and Vulture Marketeering

We have just seen the cancellation of the Interim Combat Service Rifle, which gives me a good springboard to talk about marketing. Specifically, we will be discussing a kind of undercover word-of-mouth marketing that I’ve encountered a number of times over the years.

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MAD MAN: Josh Locatis Of Tap Rack Bang Creative

Raise your hand if you’ve bought a gun based solely on the advertising and photography in a firearms magazine. Yeah, me too. Have you ever stopped to think about what goes in to a successful (and honest) advertising campaign? Recently I had the chance to speak with Josh Locatis, owner/operator of Tap Rack Bang Creative, one of the top media design firms in the U.S. that caters to gun and gear companies.

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Izmash Small Arms Factory – Before Concern Kalashnikov

YouTube user Misita1 has hidden away a promotional video from Concern Izmash before it became Concern Kalashnikov. The 90’s graphics are prevalent throughout, but it has a mesmerizing narrator who makes the Russian accent oddly attractive. The video includes a bold claim that the AN-94 is 1.5x more effective than any other small arm.

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Yahoo, Microsoft and Google do not allow gun blog advertising

Microsoft Ad Center does not allow advertising that promotes firearms:

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