.510 Beck, A 690 Grain Subsonic Beast For Your .308 Lower
Perhaps 2016 is going to be the year of the “fifty” caliber toys and mods. Anything, really, to distract us from new colors… 🙂 Beck Sports LLC (out of Fort Worth) is playing around with a “new” round they are calling the “.510 Beck”. They currently have a trademark live on it (pending registration): https://inventively.com/search/trademarks/86587155
.50 cal KABOOM
Last month a man was seriously injured after a cartridge was fired out-of-battery in his BOHICA Arms AR-15 .510 DTC rifle upper. The .510 DTC is one of those .50 BMG equivalents designed for countries where the BMG is banned. Despite the name, it is .50 cal.
Steve Johnson
Jan 09, 2013