SIG Sauer MODX45: 3D Printed Titanium Silencer for 45ACP

SIG Sauer has announced their newest line of 3D printed silencers. This includes a host of rifles silencers, and the MODX9 and MODX45 pistol cans. The MODX45 is a modular, 3D printed, titanium silencer that allows the end users to utilize a full configuration of nine baffles down to a single baffle configuration and everything in between.

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What if Gun Photos were 3D?

While at the Cody Firearms Museum symposium Arsenals of History, an interesting thought experiment was brought up after a presentation by Scott Gausen, of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, on 3D printing and scanning in museums. While discussing this, several of us threw out a thought experiment that would be a radical change to how we view firearms images and especially reference images.

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3D Animation Showing How IWI Tavor X95 Rifle Works

A YouTube channel called 45Snipers has published a video showing a very detailed 3D model of the IWI Tavor X95 rifle and demonstrating how different parts and assemblies of that weapon work. The animation starts with stripping the rifle down to the firing pin then adding the parts and naming them and then it goes on showing how the action and controls of this weapon system work. You can find the mentioned video embedded below.

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[SHOT 2018] Ellison Dynamic Concepts, A Suppressor you Should Check out

In today’s episode, we follow Miles to Shot Show 2018 Media Day at the Range and visit Ben with Ellison Dynamic Concepts.

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3D Animation Showing How the AK-47 Mechanism Works

Matt Rittman, a 3D motion designer from Waukee, Iowa, has recently published a beautiful 3D animation demonstrating how the mechanism of a typical AK rifle works. Animations of the AK mechanism has been around for a while. Nevertheless, this one is rather well executed. Without further ado, let’s watch the video.

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New Finish Available for Kahr CW9

The Kahr CW9 has been around for a few years now and has certainly gained popularity among many gun owners for concealed carry use. The original CW9 is a striker-fired pistol chambered in 9mm with a 7 +1 capacity. This new release from Kahr is similar to the first in those ways as well as in others, but whereas the original was released with a black polymer frame, this one is different.

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Epizikl's Excellent 3D Ammunition Models

Russian forum poster Epizikl has great skill with computer assisted drafting software: He has rendered in great detail a veritable multitude of different ammunition types and loads, including rare and obscure types that are rarely if ever seen constituted in the real world. His work can be seen in photo dumps on both and; some of his renders are reproduced below:

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Sintercore's New 3DPlus2 Mag Extension

Sintercore, the veteran-owned business responsible for the first commercially-available 3D-printed muzzle brake, among other items, is coming out with something new: a 3D-printed magazine extension for the Glock 43. The mag extension is called the 3DPlus2 and was designed in a collaborative effort with Eric Mutchler, the man behind the Solid Concepts 1911, the first 3D-printed metal handgun in the world. Between Mutchler’s innovation and Sintercore’s reputation for quality, the 3DPlus2 promises to be not only a good product but also an important piece of the 3D-printing industry. TFB Previous Article

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For 3-D Printed Firearms, Go with ABS over PLA

An answer to a question I haven’t thought to ask, Freedom Printing 3D tested two of the most common materials used for 3-D printing, ABS and PLA. Using a simple hammer, the ABS lower receiver was able to stand up significantly better to impact. Comparatively, the PLA shattered immediately.

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3D Printed Ruger 10/22 Charger Reciever

The below video of a 3D printed Ruger 10/22 Charger has been making the rounds on the internet, upsetting tech bloggers who never realized that people have been legally printing firearm receivers for other guns, such as the AR-15, for years. The designer of this 3D model has not released the model files online (yet). I am sure it won’t be long before someone replicates the model and makes it available online. The same model could be used to print polymer Ruger 10/22 rifle receivers.

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Multi-colored Printed Guns Leads To Arrest In Japan

Over at Ashley reports on the arrest of a Japanese man for printing guns on a 3D printer. He was not aware that plastic guns were illegal and possessed no ammunition. Ashely writes

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BATFE Test & Blow Up 3D Printed Gun

The BATFE have been testing 3D printed guns. They have concluded that they are both lethal and liable to self-destruct (see animation above). Gizmodo reports

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A fully 3D Printed Metal 1911 Pistol

It was bound to eventually happen, but I did not think it would be so soon. The company Solid Concepts has printed an entire 1911 pistol with a 3D laser metal sintering printer. What is more, the company has an FFL Manufacturing license and can print guns on behalf of customers with a five day turnaround. You provide them with a suitable CAD model and they will print it for you. This video shows their all-printed 1911 being fired …

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And It Starts…

The first illegally manufactured 3D has been confiscated by UK police during a gang raid. The guardian reports

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First Commercially Produced 3D Printed Gun Part

Sintercore LLC have developed a range of muzzle brakes that I believe are the first commercially produced gun parts to be manufactured using a 3D printer. The printing technology they are using is Direct Metal Laser Sintering. DMLS makes objects by using a high powered laser to melt metallic powder, building up the object one layer at a time. The end result is supposed to be very durable. The advantage of this system is that intricate parts can easily be made.

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