The Pipe Hitter: TFB Reader Makes a DIY 37MM Launcher

The DIY firearms world has seen plenty of cool creations over the years. We’ve seen steady advancements from the largely self-driven community of builders in terms of durability, functionality, convenience, and of course creativity. Many of you will know Stubbs from some of his previous creations we’ve covered like his Mosin Nagant featuring a folding stock, or his double-barreled, double-feed AR-15 rifle. This time Stubbs has brought a DIY 37mm launcher with him. Today we’ll look at what Stubbs has done in order to accomplish this feat and explore if it might be possible for you to do this yourself.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 11/8/19

Hello again everyone. It’s that time of the week again, it’s deal time. But it’s also a very special week for me because this week (or well really last week but who’s counting) marks my 1-year anniversary of starting writing here at TFB.

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POTD: Smoke Signals

J.W. Ramp was shooting some surplus 37mm flares out of his M16 style smoke launcher. Be careful of what you shoot them at. The flare hit the berm but had enough energy to bounce up and over the berm and into the field behind it. Fortunately it was raining but they checked on it just in case.

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IV8888: DO NOT Get Shot with 1.2 POUND Slug from a Cannon

In what has now become my favorite example of redneck tomfoolery independent and measured testing, Eric from IraqVeteran8888 has put a cannon to ballistics gel testing. Why? Who cares!

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37mm US Anti-Tank Gun Video

Forgotten Weapons, from time to time, covers larger pieces of artillery as well, not just small arms. In their most recent video, Ian and Karl fire a US M3 37mm anti-tank cannon:

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ATI Black Mamba AR-15 with 37mm Flare Launcher Combo

ATI is selling a .223 AR-15 / 37mm flare launcher combo. At $999.95 it is not a bad deal for a whole lot of tacti-cool fun. The AR-15 is pretty basic M4-style rifle with quadrail handguard.

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Sage Prototype Semi-Automatic 37mm Grenade Launcher

Sage have developed a very cool 37mm semi-auto magazine-fed grenade launcher (although 37mm rounds are only manufactured with less-lethal payloads). It is surprisingly compact. This is in part because it ejects upwards and has a rebated rim (the rim is much smaller than the cartridge diameter).

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Alien Invasion: Riot control, Georgian style

The president of the republic of Georgia declared a state of emergency Wednesday night, after riot police officers used tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon to clear thousands of demonstrators from the streets.

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