The ACU'RZR: .22LR bullet reshaping tool
The ACU’RZR is an interesting tool. You put a .22 Long Rifle cartridge into the ACU’RZR and give the “forming rod” a whack with a hammer and then take out your .22 cartridge with a newly shaped bullet.
Mounting raised peep sights without any mods
This is a very clever idea. The rifle is a Mossberg 144LSB Target rifle that is currently listed on gunbroker.
.22LR Tracers
Brasscasing spotted .22LR tracers being sold at Cabela’s ($109.99 for 250). I had no idea these were made.
GSG-5P: .22 MP5 patterned pistol
American Tactical Imports are importing the GSG-5P, a pistol version of the .22 MP5 patterned GSG-5.
Webley/S&W type .22 tip-up Revolver
An interesting revolver I came across for sale at gunbroker.com
Rossi Youth Matched Pair Set in a matte nickel finish
Rossi have launched a new youth matched pair rifle with a matte nickel finish.
Mossberg 464 Lever Action Rifle
Mossberg have released a new lever action rifle, the 464. It comes in a rimfire (.22LR) and a centerfire (.30-30) model.
Eley Ammo Rebranded
Eley have rebranded most of their .22 ammo and introduced a new produce called Team, an improved version of Club.
Lapua X-ACT: New Accurate .22 Ammo
This new ammo from Lapua is going to be the most expensive .22 LR ammo when it is released, and apparently the most accurate.
Solving the squirrel on the roof problem
There is an interesting discussion over at rec.guns about the best way to deal with a squirrel chewing on the roof. It is worth a read.
CCI Segmented Hollow-Point Subsonic
CCI have renamed Quik-Shot as SHP (Segmented Hollow Point) and are now offering it as a subsonic round!
Kalashnikov cashes in on his famous name!
It looks like Kalashnikov is finally making some money from the firearms industry!
Varmint Grenade bullet
These Varmint Grenade, made by Barnes are amazing. I am going to have to try them out in the near future 🙂