Cry Havoc Tactical and the new Quick Release Barrel (QRB) Kit
The industry is packed with new personal defense weapons (PDW’s) in all shapes, calibers, and sizes with the intent of providing a small but controllable package that can be easily deployed and give a large force multiplier in a small package. While many give up a large amount of velocity and ballistic capability by shortening barrels, Cry Havoc has gone an entirely different direction. While giving up a short 2-3 seconds to assemble the rifle, the Quick Release Barrel (QRB) Kit allows for a full-length rifle to be concealed on or off the body but quickly attached on demand with no permanent aftermarket modifications to the firearm and is compatible with a large assortment of Free Float Hand Guards.
Company Profile: Targamite LLC, Makers of the TargaBot
Over the last 100 years, there are been monumental advances in firearms. New cartridges, operating mechanisms, gas systems, magazines, and more. However, that same level of technological advancement has not applied to targets. We still shoot the same static targets that our grandfathers did (although we do have splash targets, making them easier to see).