Russian Diamond Arms RP-PM Makarov Grip with Thumb Magazine Release

One of the main ergonomic issues (for a modern shooter) of the Makarov pistol is the heel magazine release. With some practice, you can do reasonably fast magazine changes, but you still can’t get even close to the speed of the thumb actuated magazine release button or lever. No wonder why many aftermarket grip manufacturers for this pistol incorporate a thumb release conversion mechanism into their grips. This author is aware of four such grips currently available on the market – one is made by the Israeli FAB Defense, and the other three are manufactured by Russian companies Dozor, PM-Laser and Diamond Arms. The latter is a new product which we’ll take a look at in this article.

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TFB FIELD STRIP: Makarov Pistol And Licensed Copies

After WW2, the Soviet Union was replacing its entire fleet of small arms. And while some Russian weapons that were accepted into service in the late 40s and early 50s, like AK-47 and SKS, became a timeless classic and overtime proved itself, there was at least one gun that did not make much sense. I am talking about Makarov pistol, also known as PM (Pistol, Makarov).

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FAB Defense Transparent Grip for Makarov Pistols

We have earlier  reported about the FAB Defense release of the PM-G Makarov grip which not only gives the old Mak a nice grip shape, texture and beaver tail but perhaps, more importantly, converts the magazine release from heel to thumb one. Recently FAB Defense introduced the transparent version of the PM-G grip dedicated to the Russian market.

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(Glock) Perfection Breaks – What Goes Wrong & How to Fix It

If “Perfection” is defined as a Glock, I think we have to redefine what “perfection” really means. Don’t get me wrong, the Glock is an excellent handgun (I carry them daily), but they are not bullet proof or completely resistant to the repeated battery of long duty cycles. Various parts in the handgun wear and break.

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