Lee-Enfield to the SLR: Service Rifles of the Australian Digger in Combat

Australia’s history of indigenous small arms production begins with the opening of the Lithgow small arms factory in the eastern part of the country. Starting with Lee-Enfield production before the First World War and ending with the Self Loading Rifle before the takeover of Australian Defense Industries (ADI) after the Vietnam War. During this time period, Lithgow and other facilities in the country produced the majority of small arms and ammunition that armed the Australian infantry in WW1, WW2, and Vietnam where Australians fought alongside Vietnamese and American allies against the Viet Cong and Noth Vietnamese Army.

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An Early FDE: Australian Factory Camouflage Patterns of WW2

Today there are two types of camouflage methods that immediately come to mind when we consider the task of trying to better conceal infantrymen and their weapons throughout the world.

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