The Microtech Knives Molon Labe Collection

Molon Labe (ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ) is ancient Greek and means “come and take them“. According to Plutarch, a Greek philosopher, this is what Leonidas I replied when Xerxes The Great offered to spare the lives of the Spartans if they gave up their arms. Since then the phrase has become an expression of defiance and has also been used during the American Revolution and the Texas Revolution.

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POTD: AR15 and Microtech H.A.L.O. VI

Today’s Photos are of a rather special knife together with an AR15.

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Wilson Combat OTF Automatic Knives

Wilson Combat is a well known 1911 manufacturer who has recently been in the spotlight with the Wilson Combat AR9 9mm AR-15. Since 2000 Bill Wilson has been offering knives under one brand or another and recently Wilson Combat teamed back up with Hogue. This collaboration has resulted in a couple of new, automatic, out-the-front (OTF) knives they are calling the Wilson Combat / Hogue Knives X-TAC OTF Automatic.

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