Opinions on Concealed Carry Tips & Tricks Part Two
We previously covered some personal opinions on such concealed carry topics as holster requirements, self-defense options, among some others. In this second article, we will continue to cover some concealed carry techniques and attitudes that have worked well for me, and I hope will be useful to our readers. Please chime in at the bottom if you have anything not mentioned that has been of particular use to you.
Opinions on Concealed Carry Tips & Tricks Part One
We’ve covered a number of products and some techniques when it comes to concealed carry at TFB, but something that I think is important are certain methods and practices that make carrying a concealed firearm safer and more efficient. The following are several points that I’ve come up with in my personal experience that I know for certain have helped me, and I hope they can help readers in their quest to be a more well rounded and responsible armed citizen. By no means is this list exhaustive, definite, or might not even work for certain folks. I myself am constantly changing techniques, strategies, products, etc… And by all means, if you have found things that work for you, please share it in the comments section, or critique what I have here.
The SIG P320 Has Problems, and We Have Questions
The following is the opinion of the author, and his alone. It does not represent the views of The Firearm Blog or any other TFB staff member. But I bet it represents the views of many of our readers.
Opinion: One Handed Weapon Disassembly Beneficial?
Coming across this video of female Indian Army soldiers making excellent time with disassembling their INSAS rifles better with one hand than I could with two was very exciting to watch. I’m not a stranger to seeing or attempting a one-handed weapon disassembly, probably the most impressive demonstration I’ve seen was with a Marine Machine Gun Instructor who took apart a Browning M2 single-handedly to show that it could be done with some practice. Looking up on Youtube you’ll find a number of videos of the practice, many of which I’ll share below.
The "AK" Selector Lever for the AR-15 – Five Reasons Why I Like It
In what perhaps many fanboys of the two platforms are viewing as the ultimate sacrilege, photos of a proposed design incorporating an AK-style safety onto an AR-15 have been setting the forums ablaze with voices of dissent the loudest while those of reason are largely ignored due to the passions aroused.
No, the AR-15 is NOT "Ergonomic" – 5 Reasons Why
Honestly, I’m a little tired of seeing the cult of the AR-15 preach its superiority as an “ergonomic” platform. While the AR-15 is an excellent weapon, and lord knows I own many of them, it’s not the superior choice for a weapon platform in a sea of continuously expanding alternatives. A weapon designed mid last century for right-handed operation only cannot hold a candle to other later generation platforms.
A Case for 1911's Being "Safe" Without the Manual Safety in Competition
As many readers here know, I’ve been a long time Glock shooter in competition. My G34 in its various iterations has been showcased on TFB through reviews of various components as companies submit products for testing. That, or I take unilateral action and upgrade it. It has been a trusty weapon system, with only a single malfunction in the last three years of shooting.
GUN GUY THOUGHTS: Are You Really Just Paying For A Name?
Have you ever heard that salesperson tell you “It’s just like brand X, the Navy Seals tested it and it passed with flying colors.” I know that leaves a lot of the general gun buying public in a bit of awe and they buy the line of BS spewing from the gun shop employee’s mouth. Hell, even I am guilty of buying into the ‘only buying a name’ thought process early in my shooting career.
OPINION: My Thoughts on the Leupold D-EVO
Released to a collective “Huh?”, Leupold’s D-EVO scope is certainly a step somewhere away from the status quo. Various Subject Matter Expert’s will argue that the scope is a solution looking for a problem and others will laud its ability to think out of the box. Regardless of one’s reaction, its hard to argue that the D-EVO is not unique. Its the first n-shaped optic that I am aware of.
OPINION: Brass To Face Is NOT A Malfunction
Like it or not, Brass To Face or BTF malfunctions are not a thing. Sure, it is an annoying thing to happen when you are at the range but it is far from a malfunction. I am not going to dive into the reason for the brass to be ejected towards the face, there are tons of videos and posts all over the internet that dive into this so-called malfunction.
The Fallacy of Reviews – Sample Size of One
TFB’s reviews are typically the most popular articles and videos that TFB produces. I can say, definitively, that we take great care and pride in testing firearms for our readers. We always work to be as thorough as possible, covering the highs and lows of the latest firearms. We’ve done positive and negative reviews of product, always keeping the our duty to do right by readers and the manufacturers by telling it as it is.
There Is No Problem with the Term "Accidental Discharge"
This is a matter that I don’t see a good reason to spend much time on, so I’ll keep it brief. One thing that I find curious in the firearms world is the rejection of the term “accidental discharge” (often shortened “AD”) referring to a an unintentional discharge of a firearm in favor of the variant “negligent discharge” (ND). Under most circumstances this would seem like just a quirk of the community and its own specific vocabulary, but we see something a little stranger than that. Often, we see policing within the firearms sphere which demands the use of the word “negligent” in lieu of “accidental”, as if the latter were for some reason damaging or improper.
OPINION: An Open Letter To 'Non-Gun' America
I am writing you today to discuss firearm ownership in America. Fear not – I will not talk down to you, belittle you or call you names. For instance, I could have used the term “anti-gun” instead of “non-gun” in the title, but that would have immediately put you on the defensive. That is not my intent.