Love, Grandpa Fudd – Home Defense
Hello again TFB, and welcome to the second part of a series titled “Love, Grandpa Fudd.” In this series (okay two articles), with input from you readers, the TFB staff, and the sometimes-helpful TFB Discord, we’ll be tackling some of the most pernicious Fuddlore that still rears its ugly head. Without any further ado, let’s beat to death an argument that we’ve hashed out a million times. This time, shotguns and home defense.
MYTH BUSTED! No Reason for .357 Magnum Snubnose Revolvers? NOT SO, Says Luckygunner Test
We’ve all heard that one before, right? “There’s no point to the .357 Magnum in a snubnosed revolver, from a barrel that short you might as well carry a .38.” Well, thanks some some exhaustive testing by Chris Baker and the LuckyGunner Labs team, turns out that’s not really true.
Busting the Myth of Semi-Smokeless Swiss Ammo!
Myths may come from many places; one of the most common sources of myths is the gap between languages. Translations, no matter how good, are imperfect, and this is especially true when concerning delicate works like poetry or technical documents.