Swiss Maison du Chasseur E64 Bolt Action Rifle
Maison du Chasseur is a firearms manufacturing company located in Martigny, Switzerland. Their catalog is pretty diverse and includes anything from integrally suppressed ARs in 7.62×39 to bullpup Mauser 98 bolt action rifles, as well as a wide range of firearms accessories. In this article, we’ll take a look at the latest product of Maison du Chasseur – the E64 bolt action rifle.
Meridian Defense Corporation 7 Sins AK Series: The 2nd Sin - GLUTTONY
Special Projects Division of Meridian Defense Corporation has unveiled the fifth rifle in their 7 Sins series of limited edition custom AKs – the GLUTTONY. You can take a look at the previous four releases via the links below and if you are hungry for learning more about the GLUTTONY, keep on reading this article.
Meridian Defense Corporation 7 Sins AK Series: The 4th Sin - SLOTH
Special Projects Division of Meridian Defense Corporation has unveiled the fourth rifle in the 7 Sins series of limited edition custom AKs – the SLOTH. This is a Khyber Pass-themed rifle, that’s why it’s built with a combination of parts borrowed from various AKs, particularly, a Romanian “dong” lower handguard and an AKS-74 triangle side folder stock are used. Don’t be lazy, read on to learn about other specs and features of this rifle.
Meridian Defense Corporation 7 Sins AK Series: The 7th Sin - PRIDE
The Special Projects Division of Meridian Defense Corporation has released another rifle of their 7 SINS series of custom AKs. The new build is the 7th Sin – Pride. It is a milled receiver Bulgarian pattern underfolder stock rifle. It’s a classic pattern gun with no modern upgrade parts but let’s still quickly go over its features.
Meridian Defense Corporation 7 Sins AK Series: The 6th Sin - ENVY
The Special Projects Division of Meridian Defense Corporation has unveiled another AK in the 7 SINS series of custom AK builds. Dubbed “The 6th Sin ENVY”, this AK pistol is the second release with the first one being The 1st Sin LUST. Let’s see what is ENVY made of.
Meridian Defense Corporation Apocalypse AK Series: FAMINE
The third seal is broken and another horseman has arrived – meet the FAMINE. Back in 2018 Meridian Defence Corporation announced a series of custom AK rifles themed after the four horsemen of the apocalypse – Pestilence, War, Famine, Death. They first released the PESTILENCE, then in May of 2019 they introduced an RPK pattern rifle, the WAR, and now the FAMINE is unveiled.
Meridian Defense Corporation Apocalypse AK Series: WAR
Back in November 2018, Meridian Defense Corporation has released the first rifle ( Pestilence) of the four limited edition AK rifles themed after the four horsemen of the apocalypse – Pestilence, War, Famine, Death. Recently, the company has announced the release of the second horseman – the WAR.
Meridian Defense Corporation Apocalypse AK Series: PESTILENCE
Meridian Defense Corporation has designed four limited edition AK rifles themed after the four horsemen of the apocalypse – Pestilence, War, Famine, Death. The first rifle of this series is the Pestilence which is already available for preorder. Other three rifles are set to be released in 2019.